Back of the Bookshelf

C.J. Carter-Stephenson


**A monthly podcast of classic short stories narrated by author, C.J. Carter-Stephenson, with music by Kevin MacLeod and immersive sound effects.**

Journey back to a time of horse-drawn carriages and fantastical inventions... the fiction of yesterday brought vividly to life by the technology of today.

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23 episodes

Season 2, Episode 9 - The Adventure of Prince Florizel and a Detective

The city of Paris has captured the imagination of many writers over the years, so it was perhaps inevitable that we would end up journeying back there for another of our adaptations. This one is  by Robert Louis Stevenson, originally published in in October 1878. The story is part of cycle and is about a mysterious diamond which was stolen from an Indian ruler and is thought to bring misfortune to people who come in contact with it. The eponymous Prince Florizel of Bohemia was given the diamond in another story in the cycle, but its previous owner wants it back and sends a detective to challenge him about it. Join us for the episode to found out how he reacts. The incarnation of  which the story appeared in had a small circulation, but it reached a wider audience in 1882 when it was republished in Stevenson's collection, along with the other three stories in  cycle, a second cycle called  (which also features Prince Florizel), and four standalone stories. Stevenson named his book after the folktale collection (aka ), which he was greatly enamoured of, as there are common themes and it has a similar nested structure.     was written relatively early in Stevenson's career, but it was an important milestone. He is mostly remembered now for his novel and his novella , but works like this one show that it's well worth seeking out the rest of his canon. Our version of the story is narrated by C.J. Carter-Stephenson as usual with music by Kevin MacLeod (music licenced under Creative Commons: by attribution 3.0 licence). Stay tuned for more classic literature.

Apr 01
Season 2, Episode 8 - Circumstantial Evidence

It's time to fire up the time machine for another trip back into the literary past. Our story this time is an Edgar Wallace mystery called , which was originally published in 1929 along with seven of his other works in a collection called . The story is set in England in the 1920s and is about a young woman who is accused of murder when her wealthy uncle dies in mysterious circumstances. The evidence against her is all circumstantial, but as the lawyer characters are quick to point out, that kind of evidence is often the hardest to refute. Is she guilty or innocent and what will happen when her case goes to trial? Listen to the episode to find out. Edgar Wallace's writing has very much fallen out of fashion now, but stories like this one are a reminder of why he was so popular in his day. It's a gripping tale which showcases his narrative skill and knowledge of the law. Wallace was born in 1875, the product of a liaison between two actors at an after-show party. He left school at the age of twelve, but went on to became a prolific writer, whose output included 170 novels, 18 plays and 957 short stories. He died suddenly in 1932 while working on the screenplay for the original movie. More than 160 films have been made of his work, so this offering is part of a long tradition. It's narrated by C.J. Carter-Stephenson with music by Kevin MacLeod as usual (music licenced under Creative Commons: by attribution 3.0 licence). We hope you enjoy it.  

Dec 03, 2023
Season 2, Episode 7 - Beyond Lies the Wub

Over the years, we at have carried our listeners to countries far and wide, to dizzying heights in the sky and deep underground, but we have never taken them beyond the bounds of the planet… until now. That’s right, in this seventh episode of our second season, we’ll be journeying to the stars courtesy of illustrious science fiction writer Philip K. Dick and his story, . It’s an engaging tale about a spaceship crew who purchase a strange creature on a trading trip to Mars. The creature looks like a pig, but looks can be deceiving. On the surface, the story seems simple, but there are hidden depths to it and the twist at the end is second to none. It was Dick’s first published story, but foreshadows his work to come with its biting satirical wit and exploration of important ethical issues. Not surprisingly, it has been reprinted many times since it made its first appearance in Volume 5, Issue 7 of in July 1952. Dick might arguably be more famous for the many movie adaptations of his work (e.g. and ) than the work itself, but as this story shows, he was a master of his craft. As always, this performance features an immersive soundscape to help bring the story to life. It is narrated by C.J. Carter-Stephenson with music by Kevin MacLeod. With that all said, strap yourselves in and hold on to your stomachs as we fire up our engines and blast off into the great beyond for another thrilling adventure.

Dec 01, 2022
Season 2, Episode 6 - The Torture by Hope

It’s becoming a Back of the Bookshelf tradition that we release a horror themed episode on Halloween and 2022 is no exception. This time we’ve gone with a little known French story called () by Villiers de L’Isle Adam. The story was originally published in issue 3191 of the newspaper on 13th August 1888 and was printed again later in the year in the author’s short fiction collection, (). An English language version followed in June 1891 in Issue 6 of . From its first appearance, it was compared to the work of Edgar Allan Poe and it’s easy to see why.  It has an ambiguous ending and shares many of the same themes, such as cruelty, torture, religion and death. Set in a prison belonging to the Spanish Inquisition, it is particularly reminiscent of , and the two stories were actually combined into a single narrative in Jan Švankmajer’s short animated film . The portrayal of the main character, a Jewish Rabbi named Aser Abarbanel, is stereotypical, but the writing is of such a high standard in other ways, that it’s worth overlooking this flaw.         As for the author, he was born to a distinguished aristocratic family in 1838. He wrote in a romantic style, usually in the horror and mystery genres, and became fairly well-known in his day, but struggled financially in his later years. He died of stomach cancer in 1889. is an excellent example of his writing prowess, and our adaptation features music by Kevin MacLeod and our usual immersive soundscape. Now, screw your courage to the sticking place and journey back with us to a time of torture, terror and religious intolerance.

Oct 31, 2022
Season 2, Episode 5 - A Drama in the Air

It's taken a lot longer than we intended - for which we humbly apologise - but episode 5 of our second season is finally ready. It's another aeronautical adventure, this time from the pen of the great Jules Verne. It was first published in August 1851 under the title , but is better known as  The author needs no introduction, of course. A prolific novelist, poet and playwright, he is one the true pioneers of the science fiction genre.  He is the second most translated author in the world, beaten only by Agatha Christie, and his work has been adapted countless times for film, television and pretty much anything else you can think of. In this particular story, he interweaves a gripping narrative with fascinating snippets of ballooning history, vividly conveying how completely the exploration of the previously out of reach sky had captured the public imagination. It was the first piece of his writing to be translated into English, and although it's not as famous as some of his other works, it still clearly exhibits his skill as a storyteller.  Our version uses the original English translation with our usual immersive soundscape and music by Kevin MacLeod. Join us now as we leave the present behind and soar up into the clouds in the month of September 1850.

Aug 01, 2022
Season 2, Episode 4 -The Fir Tree

Festive Greetings, You are cordially invited to join us for a sleigh ride back into the past courtesy of the Christmas episode of our second season. It’s our version of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale , which was originally published in 1844 in (or to give it its Danish title, ). Hans Christian Andersen only had a basic education in a school for poor children, but became a true giant in the world of children’s literature, writing his name indelibly into the history books with his vivid imagination. isn’t as well-known as some of his other stories, but has a bittersweet quality which makes it hard to forget. It tells of a fir tree who yearns to leave his forest home, only to find that life in the outside world does not live up to his expectations. It is allegorical of the experience of growing old, and as such has a strong resonance with readers of all ages. Our adaptation uses an early English translation with music by Kevin McLeod and our usual immersive soundscape. We hope you enjoy it.

Dec 25, 2021
Season 2, Episode 3 - In the Court of the Dragon

Halloween is here – that wonderful time of year when trick-or-treaters in colourful costumes roam the streets… along with other less wholesome things. In honour of the occasion, the third episode of our second season is a horror story by Robert W. Chambers. It’s called and was originally published in Chambers’ 1895 collection of short stories, . The story is one a group of four, which all involve a fictional play called It takes place in 19th century Paris and tells of a man being stalked by a sinister being after daring to read some of the play, which is infamous for its tendency to drive people insane. Chambers does an excellent job of building tension and the locations are vividly described, including the eponymous Court of the Dragon, where a terrifying confrontation takes place. Chambers moved away from horror in his later years with varying degrees of success, but his King in Yellow tales were enough to secure his place among the genre’s greatest luminaries. H.P. Lovecraft was an admirer of them, citing them in his essay and even incorporating parts of them in his own Cthulhu mythos, and they continue to inspire writers to this day. As always we’ve put together an immersive soundscape to bring the story to life, so step into the carriage and grab hold of something as you hurtle back through the years for another thrilling adventure.

Oct 31, 2021
Season 2, Episode 2 - Gods of the North

Sword and sorcery fans should enjoy this second episode of our second season, (also known as and other similar titles). It’s a tale of savage warriors and mystical beings by Robert E. Howard, a true pioneer of the genre, in whose fertile imagination the iconic character of Conan the Cimmerian was famously forged. Interestingly, Conan was the main protagonist when the story was originally written, but Howard decided to replace him with the character of Amra of Akbitana after it was rejected for publication by the editor of . Few people familiar with Conan would be fooled by the change, however, and he was reinserted in a later version of the piece by L. Sprague de Camp. Since then, the Amra version of the story has been largely forgotten, so in the spirit of our podcast, it this one that we have chosen to present. It was originally published in in March 1934 and was heavily inspired by Viking culture and two stories from Greek mythology. Now it’s high time we began, by Crom, so take up your favourite sword or axe and prepare to journey to the frozen wastes of Nordheim.

Aug 03, 2021
Season 2, Episode 1 - When the World Screamed

Greetings listeners. After a long hiatus, has returned for its second season with more classic fiction from yesteryear. If you thrill at the clatter of carriage wheels on the road, yearn for astounding adventures in space, then you won't be disappointed (we hope). Kicking things off is a special feature length episode - our most ambitious undertaking to date. It's a Professor Challenger story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle called , so takes us full circle back to where we began. It was originally published in the 25th February - 3rd March 1928 issue of , a U.S. based magazine, before making its appearance in the U.K. courtesy of the April 1928 issue of . Edward Malone from previous Professor Challenger adventures is back, but the story is narrated by a new character called Peerless Jones, an Artesian Engineer, who agrees to help Challenger test an outlandish theory that the Earth is a living organism. Challenger is his usual bombastic self and there are some great moments. Join us as we journey deep underground to witness his thrilling experiment. Narration is by C.J. Carter-Stephenson and music by Kevin MacLeod. Please note, a video for this episode is currently under development, but because of the length and complexity, its release has been delayed. We hope to post it to our YouTube channel within the next few days.

1h 8m
Jul 01, 2021
Season 2 Announcement...

On 1st July 2021, will return for its second season. To mark the occasion, we'll be releasing a special feature length episode in both audio and video format. It's another Professor Challenger story from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle called , so takes us full circle back to where we began. After that, our monthly exploration of lesser known gems of yesteryear will resume. If you thrill at the clatter of carriage wheels on the road, if you yearn for astounding adventures in space, then you won't be disappointed. As always, it's all free and all are welcome, so check us out. We have a new dedicated YouTube channel at and have also set up a Twitter account for updates and general discussion at

May 27, 2021
Episode 12 - How An Old Man Lost His Wen

Welcome one and all to episode 12 of , the final episode of our opening season. That's right, everyone, this little podcast of ours has made it to the end of its first year of content and is still going strong. We've uncovered some true literary gems on the journey and we'd like to thank you all for joining us. This time we are proud to present Yei Theodora Ozaki's  for your listening pleasure. It's a punchy little tale of demons and dancing taken from Ozaki's 1903 collection of Japanese fairy tales, , which was loosely translated from a work by Sadanami Sanjin. As the child of a Japanese father and English mother, Ozaki had experience of both cultures and was skilled at adapting Japanese texts for a Western audience. Her stories remain highly accessible and in our humble opinion, this is one of the best. Now hold onto your seat as we wave our magic wand and teleport you back to ancient Japan. C.J. Carter-Stephenson is our narrator as usual and the music is by Kevin MacLeod. Sayounara for now.

Jun 02, 2019
Episode 11 - The Mortal Immortal: A Tale

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be immortal? Well in our eleventh episode we provide an answer, courtesy of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley's Commissioned in 1833 for literary annual, , the story tells of a man who ceases to age when he drinks a strange concoction created by his master, Cornelius Agrippa. At first, he views his longevity as a gift, but as the years go on, his opinion begins to change. The title for the story came from Keats' poem, , and the inspiration from an engraving of a painting by Henry Perronet Briggs. Although Shelley wrote a number of tales for , this one is probably the best known, having become an anthology favourite over the years. It is an enthralling piece, which deals with many of the same themes as her more famous, . It also uses a similar first-person narrative style. Shelley will forever be  remembered as the writer of , but as this story proves, her other work is definitely worth a look. Hopefully we've done it justice. C.J. Carter-Stephenson is on narration duty as always and the music is by Kevin MacLeod. Now it's time to wind back the years once again... the past beckons.

May 11, 2019
Episode 10 - The Liverpool Mystery

After a short hiatus, we're back with our tenth episode. It's a mystery this time in the tradition of the Sherlock Holmes and Hercules Poirot stories and was written by Baroness Emma Orczy of Scarlet Pimpernel fame. It's called , and as the title suggests, is set in the coastal city of Liverpool. Originally published in in June 1902, it was part of a series of stories featuring a character known only as the old man in the corner, who reveals the truth behind unsolved crimes to a female journalist from the comfort of a London tea-room. Orczy was inspired to write the stories by the success of Sherlock Holmes, but made a conscious decision to make her detective as different as possible from his more famous forerunner. The stories focus entirely on the reasoning powers of the old man, and unlike Sherlock Holmes, he does nothing to bring the criminals to justice. It's an interesting take, which we think you'll enjoy. C.J. Carter-Stephenson is on narration duty as usual and music is by Kevin MacLeod. Now hold onto your hats as we fire up the time machine and take you back to our beloved age of steam trains and hansom cabs...

Apr 01, 2019
Episode 9 - A Strange Christmas Game

Some people say Christmas is over-commercialised, but for us, it never loses its sheen, so for our ninth episode, released at midnight on 25th December 2018, we have embraced the tradition of the Christmas ghost story. The story we've chosen is A Strange Christmas Game by Charlotte Riddell, which was first published in The Broadway Annual at the close of 1867. It's set at Christmas, was published around Christmas and is steeped in Victorian atmosphere, so fits the bill perfectly. As for Riddell, she was a prolific Irish author, who had written her first full-length novel by the age of 15. Now sadly, she has faded into relative obscurity, but as A Strange Christmas Game shows, she was a prodigious talent, and we hope you will consider seeking out more of her work. Narration of the episode is by C.J. Carter-Stephenson and music by Kevin MacLeod as per usual. Now without further ado, it's time to turn down the lights and journey back to an iPhoneless age...

Dec 25, 2018
Episode 8 - The Legend of Sir Dinar

Don your armour and saddle your horse, because in episode eight we're journeying back to the age of chivalry courtesy of Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch's classic Arthurian fantasy, .  The story was originally published in in 1891 under Quiller-Couch's pseudonym of Q. It is about the quest for the Holy Grail, but focuses on a lesser known knight called Sir Dinar, who is left at Camelot because of his inexperience. Sir Dinar is not happy about being excluded, and hoping to make a name for himself, sets out to join the search with a few close friends. Needless to say, things do not go smoothly. With it's fairy-tale sensibility and succinct prose, the story is a testament to Quiller-Couch's writing prowess. He is nowhere near as well known as he should be, though his work does appear in anthologies from time to time, so was an ideal candidate for the treatment. C.J. Carter-Stephenson narrates the episode with music by Kevin MacLeod and the usual immersive soundscape. We hope you enjoy it.

Dec 01, 2018
Episode 7 - The Higher Life

In honour of Halloween, our seventh episode is a ghost story by Mary Elizabeth Braddon. Braddon is remembered chiefly for her sensation novel, , a true classic of the genre, but left behind a considerable body of other work which is equally worthy of attention, as this story demonstrates. It's called  and was originally published in 1907 in an anthology called . In it, we look back on the life of an old man as he approaches death and join his spirit as it crosses over to the other side. The writing is atmospheric and thought-provoking, and the characterisation is excellent. This is one of Braddon's least known stories, but it is highly enjoyable, so it seemed ideal for our podcast.  Narration is by C.J. Carter-Stephenson and music is by Kevin MacLeod as per usual. Now without further ado, turn down the lights and prepare to be scared as we journey back to London of yesteryear... and remember if you enjoy what you hear, please do subscribe.

Oct 30, 2018
Episode 6 - The Cone

Few people have had a bigger impact on science fiction than the great H.G. Wells, who is our episode 6 author. His contributions to the genre are regularly adapted for stage and screen, and his debut novella  is widely regarded as one of the best ever written. His other work is less well known, though equally accomplished, and it is from this that our story comes. It's called and was first published in  magazine in 1895. Originally intended to be the opening of a novel, it falls under the category of sensation fiction à la Wilkie Collins and Mary Elizabeth Braddon. The plot revolves around the manager of an iron works, who suspects his wife is having an affair and takes her supposed lover on a tour of his workplace. The locations are vividly described and the mounting tension is almost unbearable. We wanted something special to mark our first half year of production and this definitely fits the bill. The episode is narrated by C.J. Carter-Stephenson with music by Kevin MacLeod and the usual immersive soundscape. We hope you enjoy it.

Oct 01, 2018
Episode 5 - A Masked Ball

In this episode we return to 19th century Paris for Alexandre Dumas' , which was originally published in 1833 in . Dumas is loved the world over for his novels, which include classics like , and , but as he demonstrates here, he was equally adept at short stories. Intrigue, betrayal and heartache are skillfully woven together as the hero ventures into a high society den of debauchery and has a memorable encounter with a woman who clearly doesn't belong there. The locations include Père Lachaise Cemetery and the Théâtre des Variétés, and unusually, Dumas himself appears as a character. If you like the author's other work, then this is sure to appeal. A word of warning, though - it is a little risqué in places. C.J. Carter-Stephenson narrates as normal, but this time there are musical contributions from Victor Carbajo and Sandro Bisotti as well as Kevin MacLeod. We hope you enjoy it.

Sep 01, 2018
Episode 4 - The White Cat Of Drumgunniol

Here at Back of the Bookshelf, we love a good ghost story, so for this week's episode we are giving you exactly that, courtesy of J. Sheridan Le Fanu, a true master of the genre. Le Fanu is most famous for his classic vampire novel, 'Carmilla', but in line with our mission statement, the story we have chosen is rather more obscure. It is called 'The White Cat of Drumgunniol' and was originally published in a weekly journal called 'All Year Round' on 2nd April 1870. It's about a family in 19th century rural Ireland who are afflicted by a strange curse and is everything a ghost story should be - scary, atmospheric and a lot of fun. We hope you enjoy what we've done with it. We hope you enjoy what we've done with it. As always, the music was composed and performed by Kevin MacLeod and the narration was by C.J. Carter-Stephenson. Tune in next month for another classic story.

Aug 01, 2018
Episode 3 - Into the Sun

In episode three of the Back of the Bookshelf podcast, we whisk you away to 19th century San Francisco in Robert Duncan Milne's apocalyptic science fiction story, . Milne is a true Back of the Bookshelf author, whose work appeared primarily in local newspapers and magazines, so would very likely have been forgotten if Sam Moskowitz hadn’t introduced it to a new audience with his 1980 collection, . Fans of classic fiction will find much to endear them in this gripping tale, which features a dramatic balloon ride and a Poe type ending. As usual, the episode is narrated by C.J. Carter-Stephenson with music by Kevin MacLeod. Don't forget to check out our other episodes if you haven't already, and if you like what you hear, please show your support.

Jul 01, 2018
Episode 2 - The Jewels

Episode two of the Back of the Bookshelf podcast, featuring a Guy de Maupassant story called . As you might expect from the title, it's thematically similar to Maupassant's more famous , but is arguably superior with its multifaceted approach. The characters and situations are easy to relate to and with our carefully selected sound effects you'll almost believe you've stepped back into 19th century Paris. The episode is narrated by C.J. Carter-Stephenson with music by Kevin MacLeod. Enjoy and please consider subscribing... 

Jun 01, 2018
Episode 1 - The Disintegration Machine

Inaugural episode of the Back of the Bookshelf podcast, featuring a story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Doyle is best known as the creator of Sherlock Holmes, but here he writes about another memorable character, Professor Challenger, in a thrilling science fiction adventure. The story is narrated by author and actor, C.J. Carter-Stephenson, with music by Kevin MacLeod and an immersive soundscape. Join us now on a journey back to London of yesteryear, and if you like what you hear, please consider subscribing...

May 01, 2018
Back of the Bookshelf

**A monthly podcast of classic short stories narrated by author, C.J. Carter-Stephenson, with music by Kevin MacLeod and immersive soundscapes.** Journey back to a time of horse-drawn carriages and fantastical inventions... the fiction of the past brought vividly to life by the technology of today.

Apr 25, 2018