Adam Keller, Co-host, TVLR | Liliana Calderon, Director of Health and Safety, Bricklayers Union
MAR 18, 2024
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Adam Keller, co-host for The Valley Labor Report, joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss his speaking engagements from events this month focused on organizing and the power of unions. Keller then discussed recent organizing wins in the South and provided an update on the UAW’s efforts to organize in the region.

The Director of Health and Safety for the International Association of Bricklayers and Allied Crafts, Liliana Calderon, joined the America’ s Work Force Union Podcast to talk about her journey into the trade and how she adapted to the physical demands of the job. Calderon also discussed her work with the BAC Sisters RISE group and the women’s health programs available through the union.
