Mystery Meets 2.0: The Persistent One
OCT 02, 2023
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Hello Backstory Fans! Join us for another fun episode about Mystery Meets. Cat started this business as a traveling mystery dinner theater venture. In this episode we talk about writing, and how much of what is written is based on the writer. We also talk to Kim Miller, one of the actresses in Mystery Meets, and Brooke Stansbury, who is also an actress involved with Mystery Meets.. Kim cowrote the last script "The Reveal, and also the newest offering from Mystery Meets, called "The Game of Homes" Brooke acted in "The Reveal, and is connected to the production of the newest play in a unique way, as she reveals here. Find out Kim and Brooke's favorite moments working on "The Reveal"' as well as what drove them to join the cast of Mystery Meets. Also, who is the Persistent one of the group? Its an interesting look at the writing process, and what it takes to do dinner theater, 
