My First Ultra: 125 Megan Eckert
MAR 26, 2024
Description Community

Megan Eckert is someone who has found her community and embraced them. She didn’t start trail running until she was 30. Recently, at the Snowdrop Ultra she completed 218.87 miles, set a new female course record, and qualified for the US National 24-hour team. Three weeks later she was the last person standing at the Saguara Showdown Backyard Ultra, completing 270 miles. Megan talks about those experiences with gratitude and enthusiasm. We also talk about her influence as a cross country coach and how she wants to show her students the joy of running. Megan discusses what training looks like for her, self-care, and how she uses hobbies like backpacking in her training and recovery. Megan is a great role model for trail running and women. We are big fans of Megan, and you will be too after hearing this one!

IG - @_megeckert

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