3/3 Joshua 3 - Taking a Step of Faith
MAR 03, 2024
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Today in our study of Joshua 3, we’ll look at how the Children of Israel literally stepped out in faith and watched God do a wonderful miracle of necessity and confirmation. We’ll glean several principles for faith and obedience. Join us in another faith-strengthening study in God’s Word!


1.    Where are the Children of Israel in verse 1? Practically speaking, what kinds of things do you think were necessary to move two million people across the Jordan River into the Promised Land? What does verse 15 tell us about the banks of the river? Was this a good time to cross?
2.    The podcast also explained a common challenge when studying the Bible timeline. What was the term used (in the podcast) to describe a perspective that focuses on event priority versus event sequence? How is that different from the linear perspective that we have today?
3.    In verse 5, Joshua tells the people to consecrate themselves to the Lord. From what we’ve talked about in our previous studies (such as Exodus 29 and Leviticus 1), what did consecration entail? Why was this important before the people entered the Promised Land? How might we apply this principle to our own life and consecrate ourselves to the Lord prior to important events in life?
4.    Why do you think the priests were to bring the ark before the people, in verse 6? What did this show the people? 
5.    What were the priests to do with the ark in verse 8? Was this a normal technique for fording a river ahead of millions of people? What would it indicate about the faith and obedience of the priests and the people? When the priests stepped out in faith, what happened to the water in verse 16?  
6.    This miracle demonstrated several key truths to the people. What did it demonstrate about the Lord’s inauguration of Joshua in verse 7? What did it demonstrate about God’s promises to go before them and cleanse the land in verse 10? What would it have communicated to the people who were living in the land?
7.    The podcast mentioned that crossing the Jordan River was not like crossing the Mighty Mississippi River. Roughly, how wide and deep was the Jordan River? What does this show us about the reason for miracles and God’s apparent lack of concern for giving increasingly impressive and dramatic miracles?
8.    In Joshua 4:5, why did the Lord have the people make a memorial? In Joshua 4:24, who was this memorial for? Why do we need these kinds of memorials? How might we apply this principle to our own lives in times where we’ve seen the clear hand of the Lord?
9.    When you reflect on Joshua 3, what are some lessons you’ve learned regarding what it means to trust God, believe His word and take steps in light of it? What relationship is there between taking steps of faith and seeing the Lord’s work in our lives? Is there some place in your life where you need to take a step of faith?

Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

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As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 

