5/9 Psalm 1 - The Way of the Righteous
MAY 09, 2023
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Should we listen to the advice of people who do not walk with God? We'll discuss this and more as we dive into Psalm 1 and see the profound, life-guiding gems this psalm has to offer us!


1.    What did the podcast say about general structure to the Book of Psalms? Look over your own Bible; how does it format and organize the psalms to reflect some of this structure?
2.    The podcast explained that the Book of Psalms is often classified as “Wisdom Literature”. How does this genre help us understand how the psalms are arranged and what they are intended to accomplish? 
3.    Glance over Psalm 1 again. Why do you think this psalm is presented first in this book? What does its position show us about its importance? 
4.    The podcast pointed out that there is a significant difference between not walking in the counsel of the wicked, versus not walking according to wicked counsel. What is this distinction and what difference does it make? How might a person be tempted to only avoid counsel that is “wicked” versus avoiding counsel given by the “wicked”? 
5.    Likewise, in verse 1, who are the wicked? In our own society, who are these people? Have you ever received counsel that might have seemed good, but you avoided it specifically because it came from a person who was not walking with God? 
6.    What does verse 1 mean by NOT “standing in the path of sinners?” If we were to go down this path, to what “end” would we be advancing towards? 
7.    How does the concept of “sitting in the seat of scoffers” build upon the idea of walking in the counsel of the wicked or standing in the path of sinners? What are these people scoffing at? Why would it be spiritually detrimental to listen to these kinds of people? 
8.    What does the blessed person do in verse 2? What is their delight? What do they love? What do they fill their mind with?
9.    How does verse 3 characterize God’s blessings being like a tree planted by water? If a tree thrives in a hot dry climate, what can we be sure is happening below the surface of the soil?
10.    What does verse 4 say about the way of the wicked? What does it mean to blow away like chaff? What blows away? 
11.    In verse 5, what does it mean that the wicked will not stand in judgment? Why not?
12.    According to verse 6, what does the Lord know? What does this tell us about His knowledge? Why is this important to remember when facing difficult decisions? 
13.    When you think about the principles of Psalm 1, do you believe them? How are they currently being reflected in your life? Are there any changes you need to make in light of this teaching? 

Check out our new Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

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As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 

