Revolutionize Your Parenting: Insights from Expert Sapna Radha Krishnan
DEC 07, 2023
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Ever felt like you're navigating through the minefield of teenage parenting with a blindfold on? Our guest, Sapna Radha Krishnan, a parenting coach specializing in teenage dynamics, joins us to shed some light on this turbulent yet rewarding phase of parenting. Sapna candidly shares her personal journey of overcoming her own teenage struggles, emphasizing the need for parental guides akin to manuals for ridesharing or baking sourdough. She propounds the importance of tuning into your emotions, recognizing your needs, and connecting with your child to create a harmonious home environment.

We then pivot to the notion of God-centered parenting, exploring how embedding spirituality into your morning routine can equip you for the day's challenges. Sapna shares her branding insights, revealing how she used her own parenting challenges to resonate with her audience. The conversation then delves into the realm of conscious parenting, with Sapna stressing the significance of self-reflection, releasing expectations, and validating your child's feelings. Listen in and uncover some invaluable pearls of wisdom that could revolutionize your parenting journey and foster stronger relationships with your teenage children.

Follow Sapna @sapnaradcoaching on instagram

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