If growing your own and living off the land are passions and aspirations, then this week's Talking Dirty Podcast is especially for you. Homesteader Liz Zorab joins Alan Gray (East Ruston Old VIcarage) and Thordis from her four-acre plot in Wales to share some of her favourite varieties plus ground-breaking methods like her Food Forest. Plus find out why Thordis and Liz are FLOMO*-ing over the same plant!
*FLOMO = FLoral/plant-based fear Of Missing Out
Leycesteria formosa
Rosa rugosa
Runner Bean 'Greek Gigantes'
Squash 'Spaghetti'
Runner Bean 'White Lady'
Zinnia elegans 'Benary's Giant White'
Zinnia elegans 'Benary's Giant Salmon Rose'
Zinnia elegans 'Benary's Giant Lime'
Ipomoea tricolor 'Heavenly Blue'
Ammi majus
Yacón (Smallanthus sonchifolius)
Campanula medium