183: Pain to Purpose: Connecting with Young People
MAR 25
Description Community

Steven Russell, founder of Elements Support, joins host Maisie Barlow, for our most in-depth, and arguably most inspiring episode to date. With candour and authenticity, Steven shares both his personal and professional encounters with the care system and education. He offers a message of hope to those within the care system, and invaluable advice for professionals, including coaches, on how to work with young people.


Steven shares how the five elements of connection - Patience, Presence, Curiosity, Creativity, and Authenticity - are crucial in meeting the emotional needs of the children we support. He firmly believes that by practicing these elements, we can foster stronger connections. Steven is a natural storyteller and his ability to be real and honest is humbling. He exposes myths and changes perspectives on working with young people, explaining that no matter how much trauma someone has been through, they can thrive.


You will learn:

·       The power of just one person in a child's life

·       The importance of connection before correction

·       The five elements of connection and how to apply them in your professional practice (or personal life!)


“Good teachers turn up to teach. Great teachers turn up to learn.”


For the episode resources and guest bio, please visit: 


