Vet Tech Cafe - Adrienne Kruzer Episode
DEC 25, 2023
Description Community

Caffeinators. We know you love the Vet Tech Without Scrubs pages and the content that Adrienne Kruzer puts out. We do too. Adrienne was suggested to us by several previous guests as someone we should talk to. We ran into her at IVECCS and we barely had to ask and she was in to come join us for a discussion. This is a wide-ranging discussion chronicling her career, Vet Tech Without Scrubs, the South Carolina Association of Veterinary Technicians and Association work, Veterinary Emergency Group where she works now and her unique role there, and her transition to that company. Lastly, we talk about veterinary technician education and that pipeline to recruiting staff in our field and so much more. Get your caffeinated beverage of choice and join us for this one!

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