Vet Tech Cafe - Ralia Cortinas Episode
FEB 05, 2024
Description Community

Caffeinators, we need more personality in our field. We need young minds and fresh faces with big goals to grow into the roles many of us currently occupy, and Ralia Cortinas may just be one of those people that checks those boxes. Ralia is currently a student in the Distance Learning program through Purdue University, but the credentialing process is clearly very important to her. We talk a lot about her being an OJT assistant in Texas and some of her DVM colleagues views of that, while also looking forward to the future. Ralia reminds us how important it is to have hobbies OUTSIDE of vet med-no, going home and caring for a house/farm full or pets and critters doesn't count. Just take a few minutes and listen to us read Ralia's bio she sent to us, and you'll see why this is going to be a great episode!

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