ATP Media With KAren Swain - Jeff Selver - The Rising
MAR 25, 2024
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ATP Media -Awakening Consciousness with KAren Swain Welcomes Jeff Selver YTC: Host: Karen Swain Date: March 24th, 2024 Episode: 4 The Rising; the Alien Plan to Build an Enlightened City on Earth. About our Guest: Jeff Selver has a passion for management and leadership with an MBA. Jeff worked in banks, corporate training as a motivational speaker, and teaching mindful leadership. He has been under the tutelage of a Vedic teacher for over twenty years where he learned Vedic philosophy and meditation. When his memories of alien contact came out Jeff began presenting on his contact events in UFO groups, sharing his story in detail, and providing research and corroboration with other experiencers. He currently resides in Vancouver, B.C. with his spouse. Fundamentally, he was shown that what humans understand about spirituality, life after death, dimensions, God, the soul, and psychic powers, are just the beginning of what these beings are all about. And that their capacity, understanding, and utilisation of these is much greater than humans can imagine. See more here:
