The Strongmen of the Pioneer Era - 1000 Hours
MAR 17, 2024
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Strongmen and pro wrestling go hand in hand. Who can forget the muscled up 1980s? Yet, the more things change, the more they stay the same. In the pioneer era of wrestling, your proto-strongmen and bodybuilders were also featured alongside and inside professional wrestling. On this episode of 1000 Hours, the podcast all about the pioneer era of wrestling, historian Karl Stern takes a look at such pioneering strongmen and their relation to pro wrestling such as Eugen Sandow, Louis Cyr, and George Hackenschmidt. This is hour 40 of 1000 Hours.
This series explores it’s history and personalities. YOU CONTROL THIS SERIES! It will only run as long as it is supported. In order to get another hour of 1000 hours we need a new Patreon supporter at any level or a cash donation via the front page of to either PayPal or CashApp (Please put 1000 in the note). As soon as it is received, I will produce a new hour. Presently, we are funded up to hour 58.