WNRP Ep. 56:The Aries Convention
FEB 13, 2023
Description Community

My Mamma always said "save the best for last" so here you go, Wolfnet Radio's recap of the Las Vegas Open 2023! Couldn't have a podcast without a couple of party crashers so the gang is joined by Mario Garzolini (LVO 2023 Champion) and Metal Ed (not the LVO 2023 Champion)
We go over all of the greatness that was the first official Catalyst Demo Team Alpha Strike 350 tournament, as well as a recap of the play test doubles format!


History Brief - 1:35:00


Cast Members

Host: Matthew "Bloodbath" Behrens

Co Host: Andrew "Minnow" Krull

Co Host: Charles "Loremaster" Gideon

Co Host: Aaron "Coach" Krull

Co Host: Thomas "Silent C Raven" Kruger

Special Guests: Mario "Mr. Brute" Garzolini from Armored Up podcast

                       &  Metal Ed from Charlie Company Hot Dog Cider Company


Be sure to check out our Wolfnet Radio Apparel store at https://wolfnetradio.qbstores.com/


Also be sure to follow us on our Facebook Page, Youtube Channel, and also join our Patreon.

Alpha Strike 350 Rules and Tools can be found at wolfsdragoons.com


This Episode is proudly sponsored by Aries Games and Miniatures. You can find everything you need for your Battletech addiction at https://ariesgamesandminis.com/

