1219. March 28 2024. Cosmic matrix above all else.
1218. March 21 2024. Council of Light energy. Soul connections. Civilizations.
1217 March 14 2024. Cosmic intelligent system, restoring initial inherent codes. You are bringing in cosmic creation
1216. March 7 2024. Crystalline Light Realities. Intelligent systems.
1215 February 29 2024. Filling yourself with clear cosmic soul energy. What was Earth intended to be? Matrix of consciousness.
1214 February 22 2024. Intersecting time space realities, new codes, healing, sensing, creating. New light consciousness.
1213 February 15 2024. Ancestral Cosmic Origin. Bring all into the cosmic frequency. Healing. Clearing in the Station of Light.
1212 February 8 2024. The central point of all matter. A different perspective.
1121 February 1, 2024. Viewing your life story and creating now from the pureness of your Soul with Cosmic Creative frequencies.
1210 January 25 2024. Harnessing the Light Field for the environment. Healing.
1209, January 18 2024. Receiving information in the Station of Light relating to lifetimes and information or other resources for this lifetime.
1208 January 11, 2024. Metaphysical elements and more from An-Tur, allowing clearness around you with cosmic frequencies.
1207 January 4 2024. Receiving the Light within your heart, soul. Enjoyment of life and natural environment.
12036 December 28 2023. Continuation. Manifesting cosmic frequency patterns of creation in the biosphere. Continually renewing your personal and Earth's biosphere with the cosmic frequencies.
1205 December 21 2023. Be within Station of Light energy hearing about initial energy communication through mountains and devices, initiating higher yield of elemental and plant growth supporting all within the biosphere of Earth.
1204 December 14 2023. The energy systems required must be initiated and activated from this cosmic field frequency for the blueprint for the lifeform.
1203 December 7 2023. Observers Clearance. Adjustments. The relevance of communicating soul to soul.
#1202 November 30, 2023. Feeling unbalanced, or weak? This session is restorative in many ways.
#1202 November 23 2023. Your Soul knows to access the frequency to correct, untangle, reconstitute, create - and more
1200. November 16 2023. Your Creator Soul and Soul Matrix existing through other dimensional realities. Raising your frequency is important.
1199 November 9 2023. Shifting into the correct Soul pathway. Regeneration, reconstruction in the cosmic plasmic field.
1198 November 2 2023. There is always something to enjoy and explore. Using the correct frequencies in you and around you. What can be achieved?
1197 October 26 2023. Experience a deeper connection with the cosmic frequency of you and this planet within the Station of Light
1196 October 19 2023. Remember, what you see you create. Your life cycle. Supportive field, and more...
1195 October 12 2023. Remembering to accept your energy frequency expanding. Threads of connection. Enhancing your frequency.....and more
1194 October 5 2023. Enlightening, expanding information about soul aspects and your mission.
1193 September 28 2023. Expanded information relating to your lifecycle and more
1192 September 21 2023. You are directing your lifepattern. You link with the prime code for healthy biological lifeforms.
1191 September 7 2023. Remember your central soul intelligence. Supporting cosmic fields. Soul can reject old information patterns
1190 August 31 2023. Surrounded in cosmic energy fields, reminded to draw on positive helpful elements from our soul's experiences