The Wandcast

All The Things Podcast Network


With the wonder of magic, a critical eye... and a cauldron of craft brew on the side, The Wandcast is a refreshing new podcast with friends, getting together over drinks and re-reading the Harry Potter books chapter by chapter. Join us for a Quidditch style deep dive into the books we all remember so well!

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62 episodes

61 - PoA Ch.13 - Gryffindor Wins!

Ron and Hermione’s anger grows, Quidditch practice resumes, Gryffindor plays Ravenclaw and wins despite Slytherin’s attempts to sabotage the match by dressing as Dementors. Gryffindor celebrates into the night while Hermione studies. Sirius Black gets into the dorm and apparently slashes Ron’s bed curtains. Join us for chapter 13 of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban!

1h 8m
Apr 01
60 - PoA Ch.12 - Think Your Happiest Thought

In this chapter, Harry and Ron are still mad at Hermione for getting the Firebolt taken away, but life goes on. Harry practices the Patronus charm to keep those Dementors away. Ron and Hermione finally make up! All before making a shocking discovery about Scabbers. Join us for Chapter 12 of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban! Links Facebook: Patreon:

1h 8m
Mar 25
59 - PoA Ch.11 - Sad Boy Eating

In this chapter, Harry eats his feelings while Ron and Hermione try to convince him not to do anything stupid. Then, once the perfect distraction from his feelings arrives mysteriously in the form of a brand new Firebolt, it gets taken away just as fast. Damn. Join us for Chapter 11 of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban!

1h 7m
Mar 18
58 - PoA Ch.10 Pt.2 - Messrs. And Motives!

Knowing that Harry is in a bad spot and trying to help him out, Fred and George Weasley give Harry the Marauder’s Map. Harry uses the map to navigate a secret passage way to join Ron and Hermione in Hogsmeade! While there, they overhear a teachers’ conversation, and learn that Sirius Black betrayed Harry’s parents, and also happens to be his godfather. Join us for the back half of Chapter 10 of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban!

1h 8m
Mar 11
57 - PoA Ch.10 Pt.1 - Teach Me To Fight

When we last left, Harry was having a pretty rough time. Still processing the fact that his broom is gone AND he lost his first quidditch match in the same day - Harry's had enough. Lucky for him a sympathetic teacher has agreed to teach him how to ward off those Dementors - but he'll have to wait for next term! Join us for the FIRST HALF of Chapter 10 of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban!

Mar 04
57 - PoA Ch.9 - A Moment Of Silence

Things are just not looking up for Harry. He loses his first Quidditch game, loses his broomstick, and literally crashes when faced with Dementors. Please, take your programs and join us for Chapter 9 of Prisoner of Azkaban!

1h 18m
Feb 26
56 - PoA Ch.8 - There's Been A Slashing

Unable to join his friends in Hogsmeade and unwilling to hangout with the younger kids, Harry wanders the castle, has some tea with Lupin, and according to him, witnesses a murder! Join us for Chapter 8 of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban!

1h 5m
Feb 19
55 - PoA Ch.7 - Facing Your Ridikulus Fears

Get ready to cue up that Benny Hill music! In this chapter we get to watch our hero's fight back against the things that scare them the most! Well, almost... Join us for Chapter 7 of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban!

1h 7m
Feb 12
54 - PoA Ch.6 - From Insult to Injury

In this chapter, Hagrid introduces Hippogriffs at his first class, Buckbeak is insulted, Malfoy is injured, and Harry, Ron and Hermione, console Hagrid afterwards. Join us for Chapter 6 of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban!

1h 14m
Feb 05
53 - PoA Ch.5 - Dementors, Trains, and Automobiles!

I'm just going to come out and say it, there's a bit more shenanigans in this one. I don't know what happened to us, kinda like how Harry doesn't really know what's going on with him and Sirius Black! He's out to get him, but why? Harry loops in his friends as they travel along the Hogwarts Express and meet new teachers, old friends, unwanted classmates, and something that kinda looks like the Grim Reaper! Oh joy!

1h 1m
Jan 29
52 - PoA Ch.4 - Dursley Free And It Feels So Good!

Harry has found himself Dursley free weeks earlier than he thought, and it's about dang time we get a bit more familiar with Diagon Alley! After eating way too much ice cream, we even finally catch up with Hermione and Ron and boy howdy... just when Harry thought that maybe the headache's in his life would go away for awhile after evading murder and fighting a Basilisk last year, it turns out his third year isn't going to be a smooth ride either. Well at least that will give all of us something to look forward too! Join us as we wish we had ice cream and let's dive into Chapter 4 of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban:The Leaky Cauldron!

Jan 22
52 - PoA Ch.3 - One Wild Ride

In this episode Harry deals with the consequences of running away from home. As it turns out if you're an underaged wizard who just blew up his aunt - it's not that serious.... Or Sirius! Join us for chapter 3 of Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban!

Jan 15
50 - PoA Ch.2 - Marge Gets Large

It's been one whole chapter since we returned to the wonderful wizarding world of Harry Potter, and what is our reward? Aunt Marge! Harry tries to mind his manners (as long as she does) and thinks way too much about playing with his broomstick as he tries to survive a whole week with an additional Dursley in the household. Join us as we see if Harry can keep it together in Chapter 2 of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Aunt Marge's Big Mistake!

Jan 11
49 - PoA Ch.1 - We're Back!!!

The Wandcast is back! We've got a new name and a bit of a change to the lineup, but All The Things - Harry Potter is back as the Wandcast and we are diving into Chapter 1 of Prisoner of Azkaban. Come and hop back on the train and let's do this thing!

Dec 25, 2023
48 - COS Wrap Up - Cheers, Again

In this episode Jade, Nate, James and Shantell talk about EVERYTHING to do with Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets. We've had such a good time creating this podcast and we would like to thank everyone who listens for being a part of this. Stay subscribed because we are not going anywhere! We will be back to drink and discuss Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban!

Feb 24, 2020
47 - Seatbelt Safety, Dillos and Jelly Arms (Movie Night)

When a movie is based on a book, things are always left out and others are added. Sometimes they changes add to the story, but sometimes they just piss you off. In this episode Nate, Jade and Aaron discuss Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets and break down the good and the bad!

Feb 17, 2020
46 - COS Ch.18 - Weird Elf Magic

After a long night fighting a giant snake, you might want to go curl up and sleep. Harry doesn't get that luxury. In the final chapter of book two, Dumbledore returns, Dobby is freed and they have a midnight feast! Join Jade, Nate, Shantell and James as we finish dissecting Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling!

1h 2m
Feb 10, 2020
45 - COS Ch.17 - The Fawking Climax

What tools would you reach for if you were trapped underground with a giant snake? Were your answers a bird and a hat? They weren't? Well Harry Potter feels the same way in this chapter! Join Jade and Nate as they find out how that works out for him as we go through Chapter 17 of Chamber Of Secrets!

1h 0m
Feb 03, 2020
44 - COS Ch.16 - No, You Go First

Learning lessons is something we do as human beings. Life teaches us many things, and usually it pays off to listen. If you've ever found yourself in a situation where past experience has helped you make the right choice, then apparently you have way more common sense than Harry Potter. That's right! In Chapter 16 of The Chamber of Secrets, Harry manages to get himself trapped under the school... Again...

1h 7m
Jan 27, 2020
43 - Winner... With An Asterisk (Game Night)

Nate, Jade, James and Shantell go head to head to see who is the undisputed champion of Harry Potter CLUE! But then again there is that pesky asterisk...

1h 10m
Jan 20, 2020
42 - COS Ch.15 - Gross

One of your best friends is in the hospital. Another is on his way to prison. You have one, small clue, but it certainly will lead you to face your deepest darkest fears. So do you save your friend... or yourself? Join Jade and Nate as we get into Chapter 15 of Chamber of Secrets, Aragog! (No spiders were harmed in the recording of this podcast (although Nate really wanted to!))

1h 8m
Jan 13, 2020
41 - COS Ch.14 - Luscious Lucius

There are times in life when you are faced with a conversation you don't want to have. In this weeks chapter our heroes try to avoid having just that kind of conversation with Hagrid, but when one of the trio is attacked they are forced to confront him. Join Nate, Jade, Shantell and James as we get into Chapter 14 of Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling!

1h 0m
Jan 06, 2020
40 - COS Ch.13 - The Not So Secretive Diary

Most people upon finding a 50 year old journal wouldn't give it much thought beyond an appreciation for a good vintage find. Harry isn't able to stop thinking about it though, despite warnings from Ron and the fact that it came out of a toilet. Luckily for him, this diary is not worried about keeping its secrets safe. Join Nate and Jade as they dive into Chapter 13 of the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling!

Dec 23, 2019
39 - COS Ch.12 - A Tale About A Tail

Most groups of friends have at least one really good story. A tale about that one time you did that bad ass but extremely stupid thing? You know the one... Well what if your friend told you a tale about the time they got a tail? In this episode Jade, Nate and Shantell talk about everything that happens in Chapter 12 The Polyjuice Potion!

1h 9m
Dec 16, 2019
38 - COS Ch.11 - Chaos In The Castle

Harry assists in one crime and is suspected in another in this fast paced, chaos filled chapter! Conspiracy of theft, espionage, actual theft, and a good old fashion duel await. Join Nate, Jade and James on this weeks alcohol fueled re read of Chapter 11 The Dueling Club!

Dec 09, 2019
37 - Dark Deck (Game Night)

It's game night! And in this episode the WHOLE crew came out to play! Jade, Nate, James, Shantell and Aaron, along with some craft beer, throw down to see who becomes the new game night champion!

1h 33m
Dec 02, 2019
36 - COS Ch.10 - Deboner

Bone-in? Or boneless? The age old question has plagued man for centuries... but I wouldn't bother verifying that. I think we can all agree, though, when it comes to our bodies, specifically our arms, we prefer the bone-in approach! Join Jade, Nate, James and Shantell as they get into Chapter 10 of Chamber of Secrets, The Rogue Bludger!

Nov 25, 2019
35 - COS Ch.9 - Fingered

Everybody loves a good who-dun-it mystery. If you've listened to our game night episodes you know that's how we feel about it anyways! In this episode we talk about whether it's worse to be wrongly accused, or the victim. Join Jade, Nate and Shantell as we discuss Chapter 9 - The Writing's On The Wall!

Nov 18, 2019
34 - COS Ch.8 - Shut Up A Minute!

Do you remember the last time that you made plans and instantly regretted it? In our episode this week we talk about the time Harry and his cohorts missed out on a fantastic feast to hang out in the dungeons with dead people. So make plans to join Nate and Jade as we dig into Chapter 8 of Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets!

Nov 11, 2019
33 - COS Ch.7 - Belching Slugs

Sticking up for your friends is always considered a good thing, but sometimes it can have serious consequences! Join Jade, Nate and after a while James, as they get into chapter 7 of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets! No Slugs were harmed in the recording of this podcast...

Nov 04, 2019