Janice Hallett’s marvelous tale unfolds through a series of emails complete with verbal emojis— a narrator’s challenge. Host Jo Reed and AudioFile’s Michele Cobb discuss this mystery about an investigation of a cult—the Alperton Angels. Kristin Atherton gives a smackdown performance as journalist and true-crime author Amanda Bailey. The narrators all help build up the tension at the heart of this mystery. A superbly choreographed performance and unforgettable ending.
Read the full review of the audiobook on AudioFile’s website. Published by Simon & Schuster Audio.
Find more audiobook recommendations at audiofilemagazine.com
Dreamscape Publishing, an independent audiobook publisher, produces and publishes award-winning and bestselling titles, including those from Lisa Jewell, Jeneva Rose, and Annie Ernaux. For more information and to see Dreamscape’s entire catalog, visit dreamscapepublishing.com.
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