BRAVE: Faith that conquers fear! — Walking with God.
APR 23, 2023
Description Community

Pastor Tony Liuzzo (Lead Pastor) - Daniel 6:10-11 (Ephesians 6:10-11 & 17-20; Daniel 1:8-9 & 17-21; 2:1-3, 13 & 15-19; 6:10-11; James 1:8-9; Joshua 24:15; 1 Timothy 4:8; 2 Timothy 2:15; Psalms 119:165; Matthew 6:16; 17:21; Hebrews 10:25; John 15:4-5)


Where does our inner strength come from to face the lion's den? There must be more to our faith than just knowing God. We are called to walk with God. If our strength comes from God, then we can't take a step in life without Him! What does it mean to walk with God? Daniel lived out a clear example that demonstrates what it truly means to walk with God.


Series description: How can we live faithfully in the midst of so much opposition? How can we stand strong in our faith when doubt seeks to devour us? We love the story of Daniel because it inspires us to be brave in the midst of overwhelming circumstances.  We know the story of the lion's den, but God did a lot in Daniel's life before he faced the lions! We too can be brave when we learn how to stand firm in our faith!


Faith that conquers fear!
Walking with God!
— Bravery comes from faith.
— Faith comes from conviction.
— Conviction comes from your walk with God.
— Your walk with God starts with your identity in Christ.
Bravery requires walking with God.
I. We must have spiritual disciplines.
A. prayer
B. Bible reading
C. fasting
D. church
II. We must make a priority to pray.
III. We must develop a passion to pray. 
— Daniel got alone with God.
— Daniel turned his attention to God.
— Daniel humbled himself before God.
— Daniel faithfully walked with God.
— Daniel thanked God.

Illustration #1: Popeye

Illustration #2: Popeye with Spinach