Still back on the ranch which is a good place in space... And let me help you find good places and Spaces in your life and business starting now
JAN 18
Description Community

Guess what, I found even more people who want to be buried on White Stallion Ranch, that's where they want their ashes to lay in the dust or blow in the wind.

You see the ranch is a good space to be and many of us who come to this place not only have the adventure of the horse riding, the open skies, the beauty of the mountains and the ruggedness of the Desert, we also find a place it is good for our spirit indeed perhaps for our very soul.

And please let me then discuss some thing you need to know that might be helpful for you to have a better life in 24... You need to be looking for, or perhaps creating good Places and Spaces that will help you be at your best, where your mind body and spirit can be addressed, and where you are open to the fact that perhaps the universe just might be on your side.

And then you need a place where you can demonstrate your wisdom insight in truth and tell your story.  Because you will never be all you can be until you learn how to tell your story and figure out how your story fits in to the big story!


