3/24 1 Kings 2 - Rocky Beginnings for Solomon
MAR 24, 2024
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Plenty of passages might leave us wondering what’s going on. 1st Kings 2 is probably one of them. Today, we’ll discuss the unsettling accounts of several executions that took place in the early days of Solomon’s reign. Although these may not fit the sense of justice in our day, we’ll see that they ultimately remind us to be looking for the Kingdom of Christ.


1.    As this chapter opens, what does verse 1 let us know is about to happen? 
2.    The podcast reminds us that Solomon is regarded as the wisest person who ever lived. According to his words in Proverbs 4:3, where did he get his wisdom?
3.    In verses 2-4, David gives Solomon three primary exhortations for life. What are they? 
4.    In verses 5-9, David gives various instructions regarding various people. What might these instructions show us about the condition of David’s heart at this point?
5.    After David died in verse 10, how was Solomon’s kingdom described in verse 12? What does this tell us about the Lord’s blessings upon Solomon? 
6.    Later, in verse 13, Adonijah wanted Solomon to give him David’s handmaiden, Abishag. How does Solomon interpret this request in verse 22? What happens to Adonijah in verse 25?
7.    Next, the passage focuses on Joab who was one of the men who supported Adonijah. What happened to Joab in verse 34?
8.    Verses 36 to 46 ends with the account of Shimei. Shimei was one of the people who mocked David back in 2nd Samuel 16. What happens to Shimei in this passage? 
9.    The podcast reviews this passage in the light of people who disregarded law. Adonijah followed the law of self. Joab followed the law of ruthlessness and personal whim. Shimei disregarded the law. How are people sometimes a “law unto themselves” even today? 
10.    How does the events of this chapter further help us see that the kingdoms ruled by mere men will always be imperfect? How does this help us focus on the kingdom of Christ? 

Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

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As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 

