Isaiah 43:1-28: The LORD Brings a New Exodus
MAR 11, 2024
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The LORD calls out to His people to take away their fear. Even in exile, He is with them as their God and King; He will gather His people together whom He has formed and created. The nations are put on trial, but the LORD brings forth Israel as the witness to His saving acts. Their very existence proves that He is the only Savior and that idols must fail. As He once made a way through the sea to deliver His people from slavery in Egypt, so He promises to accomplish a new exodus by delivering His people from exile in Babylon. Although Israel has been burdened by hypocritical worship and idolatry, the LORD still comes to them to blot out their sins. Ultimately that is accomplished through the Suffering Servant, Jesus Christ.

Rev. Dr. Jason Wagner, pastor at Hope Lutheran Church in High Ridge, MO, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Isaiah 43:1-28.

"The Fifth Evangelist” is a series on Sharper Iron that goes through Isaiah 40-66. Though Isaiah lived one hundred years beforehand, he writes to the people of God in exile in Babylon to assure them that their God reigns and will rescue them through the work of His servant. These promises are fulfilled in Jesus Christ, whose work Isaiah proclaims vividly seven hundred years beforehand.