Crochet Leads The Way For The White Sox
MAR 20, 2024
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With Garrett Crochet declared the Opening Day starter (and presumed #1 in the rotation) the White Sox have signaled that they will be interesting to watch this season. We try to fill in the rotation that will break camp behind Crochet, and the eventual rotation that will form in the first months of the season. We're also looking at players who have "earned" a spot on the 26-man roster compared to players who may just get a spot no matter what they did this spring in "30 Minutes of Sox!"

Brought to you by Cork & Kerry At The Park! Listen. Subscribe. Share. Call 708-459-8406 and leave your comments and questions for the next episode! Chris Lanuti and his buddy Ed Siebert sit at his 9-foot homemade oak bar in a basement on the South Side of Chicago to discuss their favorite team - The Chicago White Sox in a podcast "For Fans, By Fans!" 

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