The Curious Dr. Humpp (1970) with Pete Faecke
MAR 11, 2024
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The doctor is in, but this this is one perilous physician! Artist Pete Faecke is here to break down the notorious, menacing, but most of all CURIOUS Dr. Humpp as this week's best horror movie ever made. That means we're getting into brains-in-jars, papier-mâché masks, and the history of sexploitation, so strap in and don't get throatchopped... you won't want to miss this one! 

link to post about the show's conclusion
----more----PLUS: New bonus content for the patreon includes full video of the Gremlins commentary I did with Mike Mitchell of the Doughboys and the Choose Your Own Adventure book "Track Star" being navigated with the help of the twitch chat. Sign up now so you don't miss out on this and many more great bonus episodes.