The amazing NYC multi-talented Marlyn Bandiero is my very special guest with “Dante’s Cool Wheels” !
FEB 07, 2024
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The amazing NYC multi-talented Marlyn Bandiero talks about her latest series “Dante’s Cool Wheels” (Books 1 & 2) about her German Shepherd Dante who suffered a paralyzing stroke at 6, and chronicles the 14 journey as a story of hope , courage and determination; and who also believes that he can do anything (even in a wheelchair playing basketball like his little sister) but faces various challenges along the way…yet the message is…can be, do anything as long as you believe! Marlyn is also a freelancer/screenwriter/co-owner of Because I Can Productions with her husband Al Bandiero (Rocky 4) , and has traveled/educated in Italy, France, and the U.S absorbing different cultures and lifestyles and more! Check out the amazing Marlyn Bandiero and her latest releases on many retail platforms and today! #marlynbandiero #albandiero #author #freelancer #dantescoolwheels #dante #germanshepherd #stroke #hope #becauseican #becauseicanproductions #rocky4 #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnermarlynbandiero #themikewagnershowmarlynbandiero
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