Vitriol was January 2024’s Album of the Month!
FEB 14, 2024
Description Community

It’s a well known fact that Vitriol slap, as they say. But did you know that they are one of a very few and select bands pushing death metal to new heights? That’s kind of a rhetorical question…more of a fact tidbit for you than anything since their latest effort Suffer & Become (Century Media) is somehow better than anything they’ve touched to date and blows everything out of the water thus far this year. Fitting it is that this album lands at our collective Album of the Month pick and also fitting that it was pretty much unanimous for those in attendance for this chat as well as those absent for this chat. No spoilers beyond the obvious though so you’ll need to grab a piece of floor or something comfy and kick back while we embellish on this album as well as several other highlights from the month and of course all the other places we meander to during these things. Dive in and enjoy.

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