419. Your Best Year Ever with Michael Hyatt
SEP 25, 2023
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What does it take to scale multiple companies, write bestsellers, and still keep your personal life rich and fulfilling?

Join us as we dive deep with Michael Hyatt, founder and chairman of Full Focus. Michael has achieved incredible feats in the business world, including growing a $250 million publishing company and leading Full Focus to be recognized on Inc.'s Best Places to Work list and the Inc. 5000 list of fastest-growing companies in America for two consecutive years. Beyond the business accolades, Michael has penned multiple bestsellers such as "Living Forward," "Your Best Year Ever," and "Free to Focus," sharing his wisdom on how to win at work without losing out on life.

In today's discussion, we'll dive deep into his latest book, a tactical guide that empowers you to set and achieve your goals. So whether you're an entrepreneur, a budding author, or someone looking to strike a balance between professional success and personal happiness, this episode has something for you.

To kickstart your journey to achieving your goals, visit the1thing.com.

To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: the1thing.com/pods.

We talk about:

  • Michael Hyatt's journey and achievements as the founder and chairman of Full Focus
  • Overcoming fears about the future: strategies for positive reframing and challenging limiting beliefs
  • The crucial difference between designing life aspirations and taking actionable steps to realize them
  • The process of setting detailed goals across various life domains
  • Distinguishing between aspirations and goals

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