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1053 episodes

Step Up Into Challenge To Meet Who You Really Are | Lynne Twist Part 3 with Jared Angaza

As you listen right now, you are likely thinking of hearing or learning something of interest, and something that will help equip or direct you toward more of what you want from life. We are all here striving to grow and better ourselves for an end result. Otherwise you’d just be listening to music or listening to a crime or comedy show. And I’m a full out believer in this concept of learning and growing which is the point of this Self-Helpful podcast. And, I’m ever more interested in seeing a challenge or commitment catapulting our learning curve from zero to hero almost overnight and in some aspects, bypassing all this stuff. Meaning, you can listen to a year of my shows. This summer my book, “What Drives You” comes out, but you can skip that. And instead just make a big commitment to something you care about, and it will do more to shape you than any amount of content, teaching and guidance. This is the message we got from legendary visionary and humanitarian Lynne Twist in her book, "Living a Committed Life: Finding Freedom and Fulfillment in a Purpose Larger Than Yourself.” This is part 3 on Lynne and her message and I invited a special guest to co-host the discussion with me. Jared Angaza is an activist and philanthropist. He spent over a decade in Rwanda and Kenya working to pull women and children out of sex slavery. As of late he has devoted himself to the space industry, specifically Space For Humanity, and advocating the overview effect recently made famous by Star Trek celebrity William Shatner. Those are mere bookends of a life dedicated to big efforts. Jared cites Lynne Twist as a primary inspiration to his life and has lived what Lynne talks about and experienced the devotion to a cause as the most profound tool for shaping him into the kind of person who can make a world impact. Jared is also my full on blood brother. While in Africa he changed his last name from Miller to Angaza to fully embrace his purpose, passion and vision. Following is our discussion on how this message of commitment from Lynne Twist has played out in Jared’s life and the lives of others we’ve walked with. You’ll also hear some brotherly riffing on some past adventures. You can find Jared at, and of course find Lynne Twist’s book, Living a Committed Life, anywhere. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

1h 7m
Nov 28, 2022
Know When Prescription Drugs and Surgeries Are Actually Needed | Functional Friday

We’re in an age when prescription drugs and surgeries are prescribed with little hesitation, especially in the American “healthcare” system. Yet most health minded people, like you who listen to this Self-Helpful podcast, are not so eager to just accept a pill or to go under the knife. I’ve been prone to boycott such things. But my dear friend Randy James, our resident Medical Doctor and Functional Medicine Expert, has taught me there are times when these methodologies are helpful and even necessary. This is my Functional Friday episode where we focus on our health and wellness so we have the physical and mental capacity to help ourselves and others…and today we talk about prescription drugs and surgeries. In a perfect world with perfect health, we’d not need such things. But it’s not a perfect world and none of us can be in perfect health. Sometimes we get injured or sick and relatively broken and then, pharmaceuticals and surgeries are life savers. We’d just like to see those times as very few and very far between. And when they are needed, what can you do to prepare yourself for the best outcomes? The Self-Help(ful) podcast is brought to you by Ziglar, your premier source for equipping coaches to help leaders and top performers excel professionally and personally. Visit and let them inspire your true coaching performance. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

1h 20m
Nov 25, 2022
Purpose: How To Fall Into Your Best Self By Having A Purpose | Lynne Twist Part 2

How often do we see a movie depict someone bumbling along, not doing so well, lacking in a lot of personal areas…then a big incident happens, and they quickly rise to the occasion, going from hero to zero. I wonder what percentage of movies depict this, the hero story. So we all tune in to all the self-help info, like this podcast, to try and become the hero. But isn’t it interesting that they don’t show this in the movie. They don’t show the person bumbling along and then years of personal development happen to create them into better people. They incident happens. A purpose. And they just get up and forget about themselves to a big degree, and become what’s needed to overcome whatever the incident is. The purpose is what refines them. This is the message of Lynne Twist who I’m back with to discuss herFind Lynne Twist’s brand new book, “Living a Committed LIfe” anywhere, and connect with her at  The Self-Help(ful) podcast is brought to you by Ziglar, your premier source for equipping coaches to help leaders and top performers excel professionally and personally. Visit and let them inspire your true coaching performance. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

Nov 23, 2022
Commiting To Something Bigger Than Yourself Makes You Bigger Than Yourself | humanitarian Lynne Twist Part 1

We as people tend to think of learning and training and preparing, so that…we can commit to something truly big and worthy. A grand purpose. My guest today argues, in the most compassionate way possible, we have it backwards, and that the greatest people ever known simply committed to something they believed in, and the journey within it is what made them great. It crafted and honed them. The challenge and trials and triumphs along the way is what refined them. Then the charge is not to prepare to commit, but to commit now, and become what the commitment requires, along the way. My guest is Lynne Twist, a recognized global visionary and legendary humanitarian. Lynne wowed the world with her first book, The Soul of Money, but I have her on the show for her brand new book releasing currently, "Living a Committed Life: Finding Freedom and Fulfillment in a Purpose Larger Than Yourself.” That’s what caught me, this 180 look at making big commitments. That again, the greats, like Ghandi, didn’t prepare to change the world. They just committed to it and the effort formed them into the people big enough to do it.  Lynne’s story is the same, as her journey began when she heard about the The Hunger Project where their goal was to end world hunger, and knew she was supposed to devote her life to it. She spent a decade there and has influenced more people through more humanitarian efforts than nearly anyone. Lynne has been an advisor to the Desmond Tutu Foundation. The United Nations honored her with a “Woman of Distinction” award. From working with Mother Teresa in Calcutta to the refugee camps in Ethiopia and the threatened rainforests of the Amazon, Lynne’s on-the-ground work has brought her a deep understanding of the social tapestry of the world and the historical landscape of the times we are living in. Over the past 40 years Lynne has worked with over 100,000 people in 50 countries in the arenas of fundraising with integrity, conscious philanthropy, strategic visioning and having a healthy relationship with money. Find Lynne Twist’s brand new book, “Living a Committed LIfe” anywhere, and connect with her at The Self-Help(ful) podcast is brought to you by Ziglar, your premier source for equipping coaches to help leaders and top performers excel professionally and personally. Visit and let them inspire your true coaching performance. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

1h 2m
Nov 21, 2022
How To Parent Wellness | Functional Friday

Here we are striving to motivate and instigate our own good health, and then we have our kids. The cultural norm is to just let them eat, and what they want to eat is what the food industry pumps out to their taste buds. Which I get. As a kid I was eating Lucky Charms and Captain Crunch for breakfast and in my teenage years thought Cheerios and Life cereal were health food. Inspiring kids to eat and live healthy is a massive level of effort. But then, what is our goal? This is my Functional Friday episode where we focus on our health and wellness so we have the physical and mental capacity to help ourselves and others…and today we talk about what we want for our kids. What responsibility do we take for their well being? Are you hoping your kid will someday move out, get a great education, land a job or start a business, make money and raise a family? Then how do we equip them for that? There are no easy answers and in this show Dr James and I discuss the challenges and consequences of fostering wellness in our kids. For context, my cohost Randy James, Medical Doctor and Functional Medicine expert, has three kids in his home between 16 and 12, I have five at home between 17 and 10. And please let me tell you it is always a struggle, so rest assured you won’t hear us brag about our kids happily eating raw carrots and hummus for every meal. But friends I’ve seen the battles with kids and spouses completely sabotage someone's efforts at wellness. This is a big show. The Self-Help(ful) podcast is brought to you by Ziglar, your premier source for equipping coaches to help leaders and top performers excel professionally and personally. Visit and let them inspire your true coaching performance. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

1h 11m
Nov 18, 2022
Devoting To Relationships Without Depending On Them For Our Self-Worth | with Dr Randy James - Melodie Beattie Part 3

Going without close relationships is like going without water. It dehydrates our life and ultimately we’ll die. A slow death of the soul. Yet when we rely on those relationships for our self worth we endure a similar death of the soul. It’s like needing water for life, but drowning in it. This is part 3 of my focus on Melody Beattie, legendary author of Codependent No More. Here I’m with my frequent co-host and dear friend, Randy James, Medical Doctor and Functional Medicine expert and we get real with how to grapple with this tension in our actual lives. A common perspective in close relationships, especially marriages and significant others, is a literal joining of lives. Where “two become one.” But how do we translate this? Is it two separate lives joining to live a new life together, or do the individuals disappear and all that exists are the lives in union? That’s one issue. Another is our self-worth, and the health and necessity to have it in and of ourselves. We naturally look to others to tell us of our worth, starting with our parents and early caregivers, then on to schoolmates, teachers and authority figures, but ultimately most of us land with a significant otherwise devote to and unfortunately, often rely on to give us all the affirmations, acceptance and approval we desire. And this is a recipe for failure. Then there is the issue of loving others. We all valiantly strive to serve and love others, yet generally miss loving ourselves. Can we truly love others more and beyond loving ourselves? It doesn’t generally pan out. This is our discussion and grappling today. The Self-Help(ful) podcast is brought to you by Ziglar, your premier source for equipping coaches to help leaders and top performers excel professionally and personally. Visit and let them inspire your true coaching performance. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

1h 2m
Nov 16, 2022
Living An Interested Life Instead Of An Entertained Life | Melodie Beattie Part 2

If you could choose right now what tomorrow would look like, if you had complete freedom, would you rather be consumed with something you are interested in, or be entertained? Really think about it. And you can take it further if you feel exhausted and would just love a day of entertainment. For how long? Two days? A week? A month? I ask because I’m back for part 2 with Melodie Beattie, legendary self-help pioneer and famed author of Codependent No More and we’re talking through her personal Values, Motives & Habits. In regards to spirituality and her overall ethos and purpose of life she said, “My job is to make life interesting, not have life entertained.” Now, I like some good entertainment as much as anyone. I love getting into a great story in a fiction book or movie. Yet I’m aware that when I’m highly interested in something I have little time for entertainment, and when I do read or watch something entertaining, it’s generally about people who are completely interested in something…a cause or mission or purpose. So would you rather voyeuristically watch people interested in something, or be the person interested in something? On a similar note, Melody shared how she keeps a barometer on herself regarding service to others and said, “If I get too selfish my life stops working well” and it showcases her primary interest in…people. I also appreciated her quip to me, saying, “You want the truth or want me to make something up?” She’s as real as they come. Which is why at age 74 one of her personal joys is listening to the Rolling Stones. You can get her newly revised and updated Codependent No More book…anywhere, as it’s currently at the  top of the bestseller charts. The Self-Help(ful) podcast is brought to you by Ziglar, your premier source for equipping coaches to help leaders and top performers excel professionally and personally. Visit and let them inspire your true coaching performance. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

Nov 14, 2022
How To Elevate & Imbibe Your Appetites | Functional Friday

We as humans are driven by our appetites. Yet much of the health and wellness culture is around curbing and suppressing our appetites, and for the most part, it’s just a recipe for failure. Today my cohost Randy James, Medical Doctor and Functional Medicine expert discuss our personal belief. And it is that we will seldom succeed in squelching our appetites, and we…don’t. I love feeding my appetites and one of the things that adds joy to my life is great food and drink. Our goal is to strive to upgrade and elevate our appetites. This is my Functional Friday episode where we focus on our health and wellness so we have the physical and mental capacity to help ourselves and others. Regarding appetites, our goal is to try to evolve and grow our appetites to crave more life giving food and less life taking foods. As a pro cyclist my evenings often consisted of walking down to the 7 Eleven in Ft Collins to get a pint of Ben & Jerry’s, and a 4-pack of Reese's Cups for the walk home. I still have that appetite, but today I fill it with some dark chocolate and sea salt covered almonds and a glass of red wine. Would I be better to not snack after dinner at all? Probably. But I’m just not going to. I love feeding my appetites. I’d also like a big bowl of popped corn, but my body doesn’t like corn and eating it disrupts my sleep. So I do some salty nuts or some bean or cauliflower chips to get my salt fix. You get the idea. How can you imbibe your appetites and still have the health and wellness you desire. The Self-Help(ful) podcast is brought to you by Ziglar, your premier source for equipping coaches to help leaders and top performers excel professionally and personally. Visit and let them inspire your true coaching performance. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

Nov 11, 2022
How To Be Codependent No More - | Melody Beattie, legendary self-help pioneer

You are codependent. So am I. So is everyone, to a degree. We are humans and we innately look for the A’s from other people;  approval, affirmation, attention, and acceptance. How codependent we are relates to how much we need those A’s to feel ok about ourselves. It’s nice to get them, but are we ok without them? Can we be at peace without desperately needing positive feedback from other people? The answer is yes and this show will discuss how. With me is…Melody Beattie. Yes, the famed author of Codependent No More. Melody is literally cited as one of the pioneers of the self-help movement. Her breakthrough book still remains the resource on codependency and after 7 million sales she’s revised and updated it. Newsweek name Codependent No More one of the four essential self-help books of all time. Melody actually added a chapter on trauma to this revised edition and it’s at the top of the best seller charts, once again. I could not be more honored to have her on the show and as usual, I dig into the questions I have for myself regarding codependency. When I asked her about her own life regrets, she flatly stated, “I regret that I've spent much of my life ragging on myself for not being enough.” This is a thoughtful, pondering discussion with Melody where her compassion for herself and others will pour through.  The Self-Help(ful) podcast is brought to you by Ziglar, your premier source for equipping coaches to help leaders and top performers excel professionally and personally. Visit and let them inspire your true coaching performance. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

Nov 09, 2022
Discover Your Working Genius & Stop Doing What You Are Merely Good At | with Tom Ziglar - Patrick Lencioni Part 3

When we look at jobs and businesses our natural inclination is to look to something we’ve learned to do, that people will pay us for. Generally it’s something we’ve done enough to get good at, and we work to get better and hope to make more. What we are significantly missing in the culture is the most important thing for our ultimate success potential; doing something we enjoy enough to gain a level of mastery and sustainability with. We have a majority of people in the workplace and business world engaged in things they have gotten good at. And quite possibly find satisfaction in. But it’s activities that drain them. Not many people, not nearly enough, spend a majority of their time doing the things they truly enjoy and get energy from. Hard work, but inspiring work. This is part 3 of my series on business management guru Patrick Lencioni and his new book, The 6 Types of Working Genius. You can get the book, but you can take the assessment right now at for only $25. It gives you 6 types of working genius and showcases the two areas of your working genius, that’s the great stuff, the two areas of your working competency, this is often where people are working at what they are good at but it’s not their genius, then the two areas of working frustration…where you’ll see why certain tasks and roles just totally drain and frustrate you. I am with my co host Tom Ziglar, CEO of Ziglar and son of Zig Ziglar, to discuss this further. We both share our assessments and I share one from my oldest son that showcases why I often missed giving him what he needed from me as a father, so you parents will be interested. The Self-Help(ful) podcast is brought to you by Ziglar, your premier source for equipping coaches to help leaders and top performers excel professionally and personally. Visit and let them inspire your true coaching performance. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

Nov 07, 2022
These Are The Motives That Keep Us Pursuing Our Health & Wellness | Functional Friday

I asked the Self-Helpful audience this question, “For all my health, wellness, and fitness minded friends, what is the primary motive (reason) that drives you to stick with your healthy lifestyle plan?” This is my Functional Friday episode where we focus on our health and wellness so we have the physical and mental capacity to help ourselves and others…We received a wealth of responses to this question and I’m joined by my co-host Randy James, Medical Doctor and Functional Medicine expert. And close friend. We spent a good while talking through many of the responses. There were definite threads and recurring themes of motive for health and wellness and I believe you'll find yourself inspired and equipped to further commit to your pursuit of being as well as possible. The Self-Help(ful) podcast is brought to you by Ziglar, your premier source for equipping coaches to help leaders and top performers excel professionally and personally. Visit and let them inspire your true coaching performance. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

1h 2m
Nov 04, 2022
How To Strive For Success But Be Peacefully Detached From The Outcome | Patrick Lencioni Part 2

In this episode…I’m back with heralded business leader, best selling author, renowned speaker and top podcast host, Patrick Lencioni, who I find to be masterfully insightful regarding human behavior and performance, which is what he’s famous for and why he’s one of the most influential people in the business world today. This is my values, motives, and habits episode and you’re about to hear Patrick’s insight into his own behavior and performance and what drives him. A key perspective we land on is how as he strives for success in his life, he continues to work on being, as he says, “peacefully detached from the outcome.” He shares a story and we dig into this very attractive, yet seemingly impossible endeavor. Also in the discussion he shares his desire to conduct himself like the very earliest followers of Jesus. How he went awry in his closest relationships thinking his job was to fix and serve at the sake of his own well being. In sharing about his health and wellness routine he divulges his early participation in running sports was due to childhood wounds he was trying to address, as he was terrified that if he was simply mediocre, he'd go unnoticed by his family. He talks through this further and how it caused him to initially lead his life in a defensive posture, and how he worked out of this perspective. In discussing work values Patrick shares that in his experience the most successful businesses, organizations, and families are quite messy. You can hear him explain this further. We then get more into this concept of being detached from the big outcomes of our life. And we end with Patrick admitting he is trying to discover and engage with things that just give him personal pleasure as he continues to work out of the obligatory feeling of his life being all about service to others and forgetting about himself. If you missed part one of our discussion together where we talked about his new book and assessment, The 6 Types Of Working Genius, find the book anywhere and take the assessment right away at The Self-Help(ful) podcast is brought to you by Ziglar, your premier source for equipping coaches to help leaders and top performers excel professionally and personally. Visit and let them inspire your true coaching performance. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

1h 15m
Nov 02, 2022
How To Discover Exactly What Work You Should Be Doing | Patrick Lencioni Part 1

To be your best self, you need to be doing your best work. The great news is, the product or service of your work focus is not what makes your work great, but the specific tasks and roles you are fulfilling, day in and day out. If they fit you, you’ll flourish in your work and have great joy and satisfaction in your life. If it doesn’t fit you, your work success will suffer, and your mental health will suffer far worse. So how do you know which tasks and roles you should be engaged in? We have a quick and simple test for you to take. My guest today is Patrick Lencioni. Patrick is one of the foremost influencers in business management and his expertise is teams. He’s author of 11 best selling books and most anyone in business in America has read The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. He’s a prolific speaker who stands in front of thousands of leaders each year at business’s greatest conferences. This is the second time I’ve had Patrick on the show and I experience him as one of the more insightful people I know regarding human behavior and performance. He’s just come out with a new book, The 6 Types of Working Genius, which right now is sitting in the top 400 books overall in Amazon, and climbing. Along with the book is an online assessment that takes about 10 minutes, and it spits out…your working genius. Take it right now at I have my whole family taking it because I want them working not just at what they are good at and can make money from, but what gives them inspiration and energy for their life. Self-Help(ful) is presented by Ziglar, the most trusted brand in personal and business development impacting over 250 million people worldwide. Visit to see how they can inspire your true performance. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

1h 26m
Oct 31, 2022
Overcome Your Greatest Health Threat - Cultural Pressure | Functional Friday

If you were on your own, you’d likely make all the positive health changes you desire. Eat cleaner. Exercise. Meditate. Go to sleep earlier. Do less screens. But you’re not alone. You may have a spouse. Kids. Co-workers. Friends and family. People who are living out the cultural norms. There are the office donuts, birthday cakes, and pizza. Beers after work. A spouse and kids who want their meat and potatoes, and chips while watching a show. The church potlucks. BBQ parties. Someone who labels you a health nut if you abstain from imbibing in it all, or go for a walk or run during your lunch break. And on and on. We as humans most long to fit in and the pressure isn’t just about being weak and folding, it’s often about being kind and not wanting to offend. It’s a very real and present danger we don’t give enough gravity to. This is my Functional Friday episode where we focus on our health and wellness so we have the physical and mental capacity to help ourselves and others…and today we we tackle this issue. I’m with my co host, Randy James, Medical Doctor and Functional Medicine expert. Cultural pressure is not a conspiracy theory, it’s merely humanity and our very nature. The Self-Help(ful) podcast is brought to you by Ziglar, your premier source for equipping coaches to help leaders and top performers excel professionally and personally. Visit and let them inspire your true coaching performance. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

Oct 28, 2022
Productively Process Negativity By Sharing Your Feelings Instead Of Blaming, Accusing & Criticizing | with Dr Randy James - Whitney Goodman Part 3

We generally talk about negative things in our life in a way that brings us and those listening to us, further down. When something hard happens to you and you blame, accuse, and criticize, this is what we call venting. This wraps up my series with Whitney Goodman, author of Toxic Positivity, and she  is probably the fifth or six therapist I’ve had on the show who cites from much research, that venting only pours gas on the fire. It does not help. But neither does stuffing it. What does? Sharing how you. This is at the root issue we are circumventing. When something bad happens to you, the blaming, accusing, and criticizing is just victim response to the truth, which is…you are hurting in some capacity. In Brene’ Brown’s book, Atlas of the Heart, which we discuss in this show, she gives us 87 different emotions we can choose from and from them discuss the issue really at hand. When we discuss how we feel, we can then address the pain and gain ground in reconciling it. And in sharing our emotions, not our criticism, with someone else, instead of also dragging them in and down with venting, we instead evoke their connection and compassion which also helps us instead of further hurting ourselves. Join me and my co host, Randy James, Medical Doctor and Functional Medicine expert, as we drill down on this issue and walking it out in our roles as spouses, parents, and co workers. The Self-Help(ful) podcast is brought to you by Ziglar, your premier source for equipping coaches to help leaders and top performers excel professionally and personally. Visit and let them inspire your true coaching performance. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

1h 0m
Oct 26, 2022
The Mental Health Benefit Of Connecting With Individual People Instead Of Merely Identifying With Groups | Whitney Goodman Part 2

TOXIC POSITIVITY: KEEPING IT REAL IN A WORLD OBSESSED WITH BEING HAPPY, and you can find her and over half a million followers on instagram at sitwithwhit. Self-Help(ful) is presented by Ziglar, the most trusted brand in personal and business development impacting over 250 million people worldwide. Visit to see how they can inspire your true performance. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

Oct 24, 2022
Find Out What Is Going On Under Your Hood With Advanced Diagnostics | Functional Friday

This show is about figuring out root issues to your health, especially when you are doing so many of the right things. So I have a daughter who eats clean. Cleaner than I do. She works out pretty vigorously near daily. She loves where she lives and her work. She works with a counselor every week on her mental health. She has hope and inspiration. And yet, she has been dealing with increasing discomfort in her guts. Bloating and more. And having skin rashes. And she’s frustrated. Really frustrated. She’s doing the work and not getting the results she wanted. So where do we turn? Advanced diagnostics. Labs. Tests. And not just the basic ones you get from a traditional doctor. I’ve talked with countless people who feel bad, go to a regular doc for lab test and are simply told, “Well, everything looks ok, but we can give you a med for the symptoms.” This is like going to a car mechanic saying your car pulls violently to the left and the mechanic saying, “Well, it all looks ok, but we can rig a bungee cord to your steering wheel to pull it to the right more for you.” Basic lab tests do little more than tell you you aren’t dying. Just yet. Advanced diagnostics go deep and wide and can help detect the deficiencies and errors in our body that are manifesting into us not feeling and performing well. I’m joined by Randy James, medical doctor and Functional Medicine expert who specializes in using advanced labs. And in this actual case, he’s used them to get to root issues for my daughter, that he’s now treating. We’ll talk through advanced labs and diagnostics to help you navigate what might help you get insight into your health. Self-Help(ful) is presented by Ziglar, the most trusted brand in personal and business development impacting over 250 million people worldwide. Visit to see how they can inspire your true performance.  Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

Oct 21, 2022
Don’t Miss Wisdom & Growth By Simply Trying To Be Positive | Whitney Goodman Part 1

In this episode we challenge the cultural concept of positivity. Meaning our propensity to take a hard circumstance, event, and feeling, and simply spray painting positivity over it. We aren’t making a case for being negative at all, but rather, to accept the hard feelings we encounter, consider them with understanding, and then yes, ultimately move past with greater insight and wisdom to ultimately seek a beneficial outcome. My guest is Whitney Goodman, a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist who has taken on our concept of positivity and has an instagram following of well over half a million followers who are finding great help from her guidance and encouragement that life is well worth living, but treating it as a continual self-improvement project and bypassing our true feelings doesn’t leave room for a full, quality life. I brought Whitney on the show because I’m a staunch believer in positivity. Zig Ziglar’s famous quote, “Positive thinking won't let you do anything, but IT WILL LET YOU DO EVERYTHING BETTER THAN NEGATIVE THINKING WILL,” and I believe this. But to jump from a negative experience and right to positive thinking robs us from the growth, learning, and peace we find in between. Whitney has taken her years of work as a therapist studying cultural positivity and now written the book, “TOXIC POSITIVITY: KEEPING IT REAL IN A WORLD OBSESSED WITH BEING HAPPY.” The book is a great dive into how we’ve distorted the concept of positivity, and how we can better handle the hard things in life and ultimately acknowledge them, but not be overwhelmed and controlled by them. Find Whitney Goodman at The Self-Help(ful) podcast is brought to you by Ziglar, your premier source for equipping coaches to help leaders and top performers excel professionally and personally . Visit and let them inspire your...true coaching performance. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

Oct 19, 2022
Make Every Task Serve Your Life Goals | with Tom Ziglar - Richie Norton Part 3

We continue our talk spawned by Richie Norton and his new book, Anti-Time management, but digging more into clarifying what our values are and how we craft our day to day activities and tasks to support them. It can get a bit mind boggling to realize how much we do that does not have much to do with what we truly value, and in the same respects how we can miss the value in many worthwhile activities. I have with me, Tom Ziglar, CEO of Ziglar and proud son of Zig Ziglar, a patron saint of the self-help movement. As a business coach Tom shares the focus they give to the point of our businesses being to serve our life goals. But we can take this further to claim the point of all we do should be to support our life goals. Our schooling, our relationships, our efforts to make money and even our hobbies and interests. Also of profound interest as we discuss goals, Tom asks the question, “What is worse than not setting goals?” The answer, “Setting the wrong goals and achieving them,” and it got us into discussing how not intentionally setting goals sets us up to achieve the wrong goals. But the heart is digging further into asking ourselves, what we truly value. A quick note of apology, you’ll hear some audio degradation on Tom’s side, just some slight pauses, as we had some lagging internet. I don’t think it will be a deterrent but I’m sensitive to the audio quality we deliver. Self-Help(ful) is presented by Ziglar, the most trusted brand in personal and business development impacting over 250 million people worldwide. Visit to see how they can inspire your true performance. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

Oct 17, 2022
How To Create Your Best Defense Against Illness & Disease | Functional Friday

This is my Functional Friday episode where we focus on our health and wellness so we have the physical and mental capacity to help ourselves and others…and we are talking about how to best guard yourself against illness and disease. We recently got asked about this and we actually addressed it in a show we posted in March 2020 at the beginning of COVID. So I’m reposting it. Forgive the references to the beginning pandemic, but it is still so highly relevant. Everyday we are all exposed to so many opportunities for illness, and genetically or from our lifestyle choices, any one of us could be at the tipping point of a disease propensity already within us, just waiting for an open door. I’m with my co-host, Randy James, medical doctor and functional medicine expert. I actually got COVID in March of 2020. For the first time. I came down with it two more times since then. Randy, never has. Yet most of my biometric markers are stronger than his. We can’t fairly state why I got it and he didn’t. I did, however, recover each time. Many people didn’t. So what constitutes your best chances for defense from coming down with an illness or disease, or if you get it, recovering quicker and more fully? That is the essence of this show. Self-Help(ful) is presented by Ziglar, the most trusted brand in personal and business development impacting over 250 million people worldwide. Visit to see how they can inspire your true performance.  Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

Oct 14, 2022
How To Avoid Burnout & Still Work A Lot | Richie Norton Part 2

In this episode you can find Richie’s book, “Anti-Time Management: Reclaim Your Time and Revolutionize Your Results with the Power of Time Tipping” everywhere, find his podcast at The RichieSelf-Help(ful) is presented by Ziglar, the most trusted brand in personal and business development impacting over 250 million people worldwide. Visit to see how they can inspire your true performance.  Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

Oct 12, 2022
Stop Trying To Manage Time & Tip It In Your Favor | Richie Norton Part 1

In this episode we’re charged to stop attempting time management and my guest takes the very concept to task as something never intended to benefit us at all. Instead he masterfully guides us in how to tip time to our advantage. It’s not a hack or a secret but a reawakening as to how we are viewing and budgeting our time, and I’d ask you to consider if your so called time management is working for you? Do you feel efficient? Do you have margin? Are you getting things done that are not just urgent, but important and valuable to you? My guest is Richie Norton and this is his second appearance on my show. Once in a while I find someone who every influencer seems to be influenced by. A recent look at Richie’s social media finds him in pictures with Pat Flynn, Tom & Lisa Bilyeu, Ben Hardy, Chris Ducker, and Chalene Johnson. He doesn’t just know these people, but he does business with them and they look to him for guidance. He’s also just an incredibly inspirational guy who elevates the energy of any place he goes. Richie is an executive coach to CEOs and is featured in Forbes, Bloomberg Businessweek, Inc., Entrepreneur, and Huffington Post. He’s also CEO and Cofounder of PROUDUCT—an INC. 5000 company—a global entrepreneurship solution helping businesses go from idea to market with full-service sourcing, product strategy, and end-to-end supply chain. He is the author of several books and it was his book, The Power of Starting Something Stupid, that got me to invite him on this show the first time. This time it’s his brand new book, “Anti-Time Management: Reclaim Your Time and Revolutionize Your Results with the Power of Time Tipping.” What you’re about to hear is a very thoughtful conversation that begins with Richie observing we as a culture have ever increasing full calendars, but emptier lives. The rest of the conversation is Richie’s guidance in how you can change that, right away. You can find Richie’s book, “Anti-Time Management: Reclaim Your Time and Revolutionize Your Results with the Power of Time Tipping” everywhere, find his podcast at The RichieSelf-Help(ful) is presented by Ziglar, the most trusted brand in personal and business development impacting over 250 million people worldwide. Visit to see how they can inspire your true performance.  Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

1h 9m
Oct 10, 2022
How To Accelerate Your Wellness By Clarifying The End Result | Functional Friday

This is my Functional Friday episode where we focus on our health and wellness so we have the physical and mental capacity to help ourselves and others, and today we discuss How To Accelerate Your Wellness By Clarifying The End Result. I’m joined by my co-host Randy James, Medical Doctor and Functional Medicine expert. Most people look at dealing with their health and wellness as a problem or desire and miss the true end result. We don’t want to lose weight because doing so is fun, we want to look better, feel better, and fit in our clothes. Many people don’t want to exercise, but they want to have more muscle or mobility and capacity. Most people don’t want to sleep or meditate or fast from food, but they may desire to do so for and end result. And there is your power. What is the end result you are gunning for? The why? Randy will ask patients at the beginning of treatment if their goal is to be in the next Olympics, or slide into a nursing home in the next few years.The question sounds facetious and few will choose either side, but the point is to consider and decide on where you want to be on that polarized spectrum. It also brings to the surface that most people are just looking at the face-value problems and not giving focus to the most powerful ally in their wellness journey, which is the clarity of and then commitment to a clear, envisioned end result that transcends the mere problem or lack. Self-Help(ful) is presented by Ziglar, the most trusted brand in personal and business development impacting over 250 million people worldwide. Visit to see how they can inspire your true performance. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

Oct 07, 2022
With Important Decisions You Can Be Efficient Or Wise | with Randy James MD - Wendy Smith Part 3

I continue the discussion brought forth by Wendy Smith and the message in her book with Marianne Lewis, "Both/And Thinking: Embracing Creative Tensions to Solve Your Toughest Problems.” Here I bring in my frequent co-host, Randy James, medical doctor and functional medicine expert to further unwrap this concept. Randy and I have been best friends for over a decade and as we grapple, ponder, and consider life as business owners, spouses, parents, friends, and followers of God we so often come to, as Randy says, “the bother.” The issues are so seldom black and white or right or wrong, so here we take the concept head on and talk about how it plays out in our own lives in all those roles. You’ll hear us talk about how being flexible and considerate of seemingly opposing sides runs the risk of setting double standards, if not coming off outright hypocritical. And it often leads us with just what Wendy and Marianne uncovered, a true dilemma instead of an easy answer. Instead of conclusive beliefs to paint over our lives we have to be present in the moment and what is at stake in any particular circumstance. And ultimately the issue calls us to get very clear on our overall values, while being, again, flexible, in how we may achieve them. Self-Help(ful) is presented by Ziglar, the most trusted brand in personal and business development impacting over 250 million people worldwide. Visit to see how they can inspire your true performance.  Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

1h 9m
Oct 05, 2022
Finding Wisdom Without Conclusive Answers | Wendy K Smith Part 2

expert on organizational paradoxes and co-Both/And Thinking: Embracing Creative Tensions to Solve Your Toughest Problems, and we areBoth/And Thinking: Embracing Creative Tensions to Solve Your Toughest Problems at Amazon or anywhere.  Self-Help(ful) is presented by Ziglar, the most trusted brand in personal and business development impacting over 250 million people worldwide. Visit to see how they can inspire your true performance.  Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

1h 16m
Oct 03, 2022
What You Track You Improve Even If You Are Not Trying | Functional Friday

We are talking about possibly the number one, easiest way to make an immediate positive impact in your health and wellness, whether it’s losing weight or getting more energy. You ready? Track it. What you track, you just can’t help but improve. I am not a big believer in “hacks”, but if there are any, this may be the one, most true health and wellness hack. The simple act of tracking certain aspects of your daily life will literally result in bettering your health and wellness. It’s simple psychology. If you write down or take a picture of everything you eat every day, for a week, you will almost inadvertently make better food choices. If you track your physical activity every day for a week, you will end the week having done more physical activity, even without being very intentional about it. Awareness changes our behavior and action. In this episode Dr Randy James and I discuss how the simple act of tracking key areas of our lives like Sleep, Heart Rate, Food, Activity and a few others will by proxy elevate your health and wellness. Of course you can go further than mere awareness and take solid action to utilize the data you receive and improve it. Tracking is an incredibly powerful tool and as you will hear in this episode, making it possible to ascertain and improve areas of our lives we would otherwise be ignorant and impotent to address. I can say it is also an absolute propensity of our world’s most successful, influential, and healthy people to track their health and wellness, just as they track and budget their time and money. Self-Help(ful) is presented by Ziglar, the most trusted brand in personal and business development impacting over 250 million people worldwide. Visit to see how they can inspire your true performance. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

1h 14m
Sep 30, 2022
Evolve Above Right & Wrong To Hold The Wisdom of Both/And | Wendy Smith Part 1

We can better solve tough problems and make decisions we feel confident about, by not taking an either-or, black and white, or right and wrong approach to them. We are in a culture and media that is radically doing just that. And yet most truths and daily decisions we must make are not a result of right or wrong issues that we will live or die from, but rather, choices we make where one may prove more beneficial than another. When we hold things as right/wrong, good/bad, and either or we cause ourselves undo anxiety. And further, we are pressured to make one sided decisions without the wisdom we’d benefit from if we didn’t view different perspectives as opposing forces. This show is meant to equip you to make smarter decisions, and with less anxiety and more confidence. With me is Wendy K. Smith, a Harvard educated, award-winning academic and the Dana J. Johnson Professor of Management and faculty director of the Women’s Leadership Initiative at University of Delaware. She is an expert on organizational paradoxes, exploring how leaders and individuals effectively respond to contradictory, yet interdependent demands. She spends her time continually working to better manage the paradoxes of life that we all face. Wendy’s research focuses on strategic paradoxes – how leaders and senior teams effectively respond to contradictory agendas. Not with us, but a co-author of their new book,"Both/And Thinking: Embracing Creative Tensions to Solve Your Toughest Problems" is Marianne W. Lewis who is dean and professor of management at the Lindner College of Business, University of Cincinnati. Marianne too is  thought leader in organizational paradoxes exploring tensions and competing demands surrounding leadership and innovation. Again, the book containing the message in the following discussion is Both/And Thinking: Embracing Creative Tensions to Solve Your Toughest Problems which you can find at Amazon or anywhere. Self-Help(ful) is presented by Ziglar, the most trusted brand in personal and business development impacting over 250 million people worldwide. Visit to see how they can inspire your true performance.  Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

1h 8m
Sep 28, 2022
Don’t Fall In Love With Success - Fall In Love With The Habits That Create Success | with Tom Ziglar - Dr Benjamin Hardy Part 3

Wrapping up my series on Dr Benjamin Hardy and the message from his latest book, Be Your Future Self Now. Tom Ziglar joins me today and the conversation veers into Tom calling us to not fall in love with success, but with the habits that create success, and I absolutely agree with the concept. Think about it. The healthiest people I know, and the ones most at peace in their health, are not those that love looking in the mirror at themselves or love the scale, they are the ones who enjoy the daily activities of moving their bodies and procuring and eating whole and healthy foods. They enjoy slowing down to be present. They are in love with the daily habits of health. You can say the same about financial health and success and relational health and so forth. If you want to achieve success in any certain area, you’ll be best served to find habits leading to it, that you truly enjoy and look forward to. For one person with exercise, they may love running indoors on a treadmill with the TV on or a book, while another only enjoys it outside, while another loathes running and looks forward to classes at the gym with friends, while another would far rather chop wood and mow their lawn for physical activity. The point again, is finding habits of growth you enjoy. Self-Help(ful) is presented by Ziglar, the most trusted brand in personal and business development impacting over 250 million people worldwide. Visit to see how they can inspire your true performance. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

Sep 26, 2022
The Nutritional Supplements You Need - Or Not | Functional Friday

This is my Functional Friday episode and I’m of course with my dear friend and frequent co-host, Randy James, Medical Doctor and Functional Medicine expert. We’re going to talk about nutritional supplements. Are they really necessary for you to spend time and money on, and if so, why? We seldom feel much difference in our immediate health from these expensive pills, powders, and tinctures and they are generally just a hassle to maintain. The compliance rate for taking nutritional supplements is horrific. We heard from a rep it was about 6% after 90 days. My experience says this is true. Traditional medical practitioners downplay the validity of nutritional supplements while the health industry generally way overdoes it and everyone’s supplement is promoted as the magic pill for…everything. Which is a stupid and impossible claim. If you’re not taking any nutritional supplements, we’ll give you some key ones to consider. Conversely if you’re taking a handful a day, or more…you might want to question if you’re really able to assimilate that much. And just because some supplement changed your friend’s life, it doesn’t mean it will do a thing for you. In this episode I believe you’ll hear information that will take some of the doubt, frustration, and confusion away. For most of you, it should help save you money, hassle, and increase the efficacy of any supplements you choose to partake of. I will say, my co host Dr James is a believer in supplements, but quite a minimalist. Self-Help(ful) is presented by Ziglar, the most trusted brand in personal and business development impacting over 250 million people worldwide. Visit to see how they can inspire your true performance. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

1h 7m
Sep 23, 2022
Human Being vs Human Doing & Slowing Down To Do More Valuable Work & Life | Dr Benjamin Hardy Part 2

His books have sold hundreds of thousands of copies, and his blogs have been read by hundreds of millions. His latest book is Be Your Future Self Now and was our topic in part one of our discussion, in episode 1047. I actually walked through Dr Benjamin Hardy’s habits for success in March 2018 when I had him on the show, so here we really looked at how his values and habits have changed since then. He is not his future self, four years later. And attesting to the power of really looking at who is is becoming, he shares a lot of his own evolution. Some highlights...spiritually he recognizes his past self was a lot more human doing, than human being, and his continued desire to slow down This is the top of my list as well. Relationally, even though four years ago he says he was a devoted father, in some ways he had not truly embraced being a parent like he's striving to today, making it more of a priority and sacred role. He is also growing to be much more relationally oriented and collaborative in his life. We get into an interesting discussion he credits Dan Sullivan for bringing to him, of relationally being a buyer more than a seller, and our propensity to all generally be trying to sell ourselves to others. In health and wellness he culminates by admitting he's overall just striving to be better to himself, and what this looks like. Mentally he is working to be less reactive and with money he talks about his chosen perspective of everything happening for you, not to you. You'll hear more in the episode. Ben’s new book, Be Your Future Self Now, can be found everywhere, and check this out, if you’ll go to, those of you in America can get free Kindle codes and get the book…free! No catch. He just bought a ton of codes and offered them to me to share with you. You can connect with him at Self-Help(ful) is presented by Ziglar, the most trusted brand in personal and business development impacting over 250 million people worldwide. Visit to see how they can inspire your true performance. Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:

Sep 21, 2022