Sister Rosetta Tharpe! "Velvet Music" *In-Syndiaction*
FEB 16, 2021
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There is one woman who is the GodMother, The Queen, The Patron Saint of Rock 'n Roll: SISTER ROSETTA THARPE! We have been dying to cover this extraordinary Diva for a while and we saved her to round out your Gay Pride Season! So come and learn about this genre defying, electric guitar playing, ball gown wearing Stadium Bride! I bet the history books didn't tell you that Rock was invented by a queer black woman did they? Well that's because all the history books are WRONG. So come for the herstory and stay for the soaring gospel numbers, the rollicking guitar licks and high flying vocal of SRT. That's right, kitty cats, this week we are burning down the entire Hall of Fame and rebuilding it in Rosetta's name!
(We are In Syndication! That's right it's time for Re-Runs, friends, so sit back, relax, smash that download button and enjoy one of our earliest episodes! We will be back with new episodes in March, and you can always find new episodes on our Patreon.)