Sales Forecasting: How to approach it
JAN 28
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In the realm of business financial planning, one indispensable element takes centre stage - sales forecasting. Whether you're part of a theatre company, a dance troupe, or a business involved in manufacturing or retail, understanding what your future income might look like is paramount for success. As freelancers or consultants, the same principle applies. Today, in this episode of "I Hate Numbers," we embark on a journey to explore the perils of excessive ambition or undue caution in our sales forecasts.

Navigating Uncertainty

As business owners, we acknowledge the impossibility of crystal ball gazing into the future with 100% certainty. We're not endowed with superpowers, and our task is to navigate through an uncertain landscape. Many businesses resort to historical sales patterns as a basis for their forecasts, an approach that, while easy, can be overly restrictive and lacking in ambition.

Stress Testing and Critical Thinking

Regardless of whether your approach is historical or forward-looking, stress testing your sales forecasts is crucial. Computers and planning platforms, while efficient in crunching numbers, lack the critical human touch. Ambitious forecasts demand answers to critical questions, aligning projections with historical performance, and substantiating them with evidence and marketing efforts. For a powerful online tool in this regard, check out "Budgetwhizz" developed by NumbersKnowHow.

Avoiding Pessimism

Overt pessimism in forecasts necessitates a deep dive into factors influencing buyer behaviour. Occupancy rates, historical anomalies, and external factors like economic pressures must be considered. Storytelling, a retrospective look at buyer behaviour during lockdowns, offers valuable insights.

Clearly Stated Assumptions and Digital Eco Accounting

We emphasize the importance of clearly stated assumptions in forecasts, allowing for modifications while keeping an eye on changing variables. The sales forecast, being the linchpin of financial planning, impacts resource allocation and costs. We recommend a digital eco-accounting system, such as Xero, for tracking, recording, and integrating historical patterns. Additionally, platforms like "BudgetWiz" offer a seamless integration to facilitate easy coordination.

In Conclusion

In the realm of financial forecasting, substance behind the numbers is paramount. Whether aiming for the stars or playing it safe, ambition backed by solid reasoning is key. Undue pessimism can limit potential, while excessive caution opens doors for competitors. As we wrap up today's episode, we encourage businesses to adopt a mindset of continuous questioning, stress testing, and revisiting assumptions to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape.

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