How Do I learn to Love Myself - an honest converstaion with men.
DEC 29, 2022
Description Community
NSFW - adult language and tough, honest talk

I got together with writer S.D. Sun and all around good friend Zane to catch up and just chat. What came out of that was an amazing conversation about manhood, mental health, and self acceptance for men and universally, for women and parents too. 


S.D. Sun is a writer with Forest Gump like life expierence. He has been places and seen things he can't talk about, has done things he loves to talk about, and has strong opinions on everything from politics to relationships. 

You can follow him (and subscribe to his newsletter) here: Twitter


Zane is a freind that is like a little brother, but not. Because there is nothing I can't say to him. We disagree on many, many issues, but that is one reason he's family. We disagree, and still check in with each other all the time. He is a creative soul with many, many goals. 

You can find him best on twitter here.


This is a conversation that makes a person think. I'm blessed to have taken part and blessed to share it with you.

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