Ep. 486: Can You Be a Zionist Without Displaying the Israeli Flag and Singing Its Anthem?
FEB 26, 2024
Description Community

What does this week’s Torah portion and time period teach us today?

Lessons from Adar

How does joy help us get through difficult challenges?

What is the acronym of Adar?

Does the joy in Adar have the power to transform true darkness?

Is the joy in Adar initiated from above or from our work below?

If we defeated Amalek on Purim why are we still facing enemies like Hamas?

Why don’t I see blessings in my life as the Rebbe Rashab promised to those who will learn Chassidus?

Parshas Ki Tisa

What can we learn from Moshe challenging and prevailing over G-d to forgive the people?

Is there a connection between the broken tablets and the shattered containers of Tohu?

Is the October 7 massacre and subsequent war a punishment for building the Golden Calf?

How could the people transgress such a grave sin of idolatry just 39 days after the greatest revelation at Sinai?

Why not support a Palestinian state?

Why not deport the Arabs and Muslims from Israel?

What should be our attitude to Zionism and to displaying the Israeli flag and singing HaTikvah?

Can you be a Zionist without displaying the Israeli flag and singing its anthem?

Should we allow these displays in our organizations?

Should we not participate in events that have these displays?
