Strange World
JAN 03, 2023
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Strange World is an odd duck. It’s trying too hard, but not for the reasons the comments on Rotten Tomatoes would have you think. It’s a bit cliche to blame the failure of a charmer on lack of confidence from the studio (read: marketing budget), but we think that’s the case here. While Josh liked it more than Clancy did, there are a number of things we agree on: it’s gorgeous, Dennis Quaid is a remarkable VO actor, and it’s only “inappropriate for children” if you’ve taught your children to be bigots. 

- It’s Pando-monium! -

- Strange World is suddenly popular almost as if people were interested but didn’t know much about it: 

- Zendaya is Meechee, a History: 

- “Queer Kids, Nerds and Sword Fights: It’s the Hot School Play.” The NYTimes review of She Kills Monsters: 

- A discussion about the animation and design of the film Josh should have read before recording: 

- Heathers, which features three titular characters and not four, and has also been turned into a musical:  

- There’s literally no reason not to make the Primal Outpost game instead of yet another version of Villainous: 

- “Oh, the fracking?” Explainer: 

Research and references completed using Wikipedia, IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, Box Office Mojo, and Disney.Fandom.Com. 


People who can get pregnant have a right to safe and legal abortions, for any reason. Visit Action For All at for information on donating, volunteering, and more. 


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Hosted and edited by Clancy Canto and Josh Wittge.

Produced by the hosts in conjunction with Mischief Media.   

Theme Music: "Quirky Dog" by Kevin MacLeod. Check out more tunes at
