The multi-talented Tim McGeary and Robert Gay of The Robert Paul Band talk about their latest release “Lucky Number Seven” featuring “You Got Me Praying” along with “When Love Comes Around”, “Kicking Down The Road”, “Let’s See” and more! Tim is a Florida-based singer/songwriter toured with Roxy Music, Duran Duran, Billy Idol, The Cure and Simple and his music was featured on Smallville, One Tree Hill and Glory Days while sharing his story on how he got started! Robbie is a lead guitarist from Jacksonville, FL and worked with the Johnnie Van Zandt Band for 15 years, and shares his story on how he met Tim to form the Robert Paul Band! Check out the amazing new release from the Robert Paul Band on most major platforms and ! #timmcgeary #robertgay #robertpaulband #luckynumberseven #yougotmepraying #whenlovecomesaround #kickingdowntheroad #letsee #florida #singer #songwriter #leadguitarist #roxymusic #duranduran #billyidol #thecure #simpleminds #smallville #onetreehill #glorydays #jonnievanzandt #thejohnnievanzandtband #spreaker #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnertherobertpaulband #themikewagnershowtherobertpaulband
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