Can You Hear Me Now?
MAR 12
Description Community

Many of us tend to undervalue the significance of our sense of HEARING when it comes to overall well-being. In this edition of N&H, we're thrilled to have David Owen as our special guest, delving into his book "Volume Control: Hearing In A Deafening World." Our discussion covers the surprising assertion that 'hearing' may outweigh the importance of seeing, the connection between hearing loss and premature mortality, the role of hearing in sports, the composition of earwax, and a plethora of other intriguing topics. Join us as we explore the intricate world of sound and its profound impact on our lives.

David Owen has been a staff writer at The New Yorker since 1991 to learn more about David and purchase his book Volume Control go to

This episode is sponsored by Rogue Nurse Media Empowering Nurses and Patients to tell their stories.

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