Harry Potter and the Implications of this Make me Uncomfortable
MAR 14, 2024
Description Community

In this episode, we begin our discussion of Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire. What were we even trying to do in this one? Did Harry Potter have to compete? I feel like everyone's main issue was a lack of fairness and that just isn't the problem. Also, why are exoticizing teenagers? I just have some questions.


Our theme song Last Energy for the Day by Loyalty Freak is under a CC0 1.0 Universal License; and can be found at https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Loyalty_Freak_Music/ROLLER_DISCO_DANCE_DANCE/Loyalty_Freak_Music_-_ROLLER_DISCO_DANCE_DANCE_-_08_Last_Energy_For_The_Day/

Our magical transition theme Whimsical Theme #2 by David Hilowitz is licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial License; and can be found at https://freemusicarchive.org/music/David_Hilowitz/Film_Music_II_Orchestral_Works/David_Hilowitz_-_Film_Cue_021_-_Whimsical_Theme_2/
