Geeta Girl: Evolving Through the Bhagavad Geeta

Geeta Girl


The Geeta Girl podcast show us how the Bhagavad Geeta teaches us to deal with everyday challenges while helping us live our best lives. Each episode will focus on the issues that many of us face and we will feature guest speakers as well as responses to questions from our Geeta Girl family (send those questions in!) to help us learn how the Geeta is the ultimate self-help guide.

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26 episodes

Episode 24: Geeta Girl Discusses Getting What You Deserve

I deserve it! We have all had that thought before. I worked hard therefore I deserve the promotion. I studied hard so I deserve to get into that college. Maybe you thought, I messed up, so I deserve the punishment. But what do we really deserve? In the Geeta, Krishna reminds us that we only have a right to the effort and no right to the result. No one deserves anything – not the good fortune or the bad. The only thing you have a “right” to is the effort itself and not the outcome. If you can't impact the outcome, you may wonder why bother trying? Krishna says that no effort is ever wasted. No matter the outcome, you always learn, grow, and evolve from doing your best. And you deserve that. Don’t forget to subscribe to, rate, and review the Geeta Girl Podcast! Check out our website at Follow us on Instagram @GeetaGirlPodcast or on Facebook at Geeta Girl Podcast

Feb 05
Episode 23: Geeta Girl Discusses Anger, Look What You Made Me Do

Oh, that trickly little tempter Anger. Anger has the power to make us lose reason. Say things we don’t mean. Lash out. Even make us feel temporarily powerful. Anger is a feeling familiar to most of us and sometimes hard to avoid. In our latest podcast we share the Geeta’s guidance on how to control our anger and not allow our anger to control us. Listen to this episode and then tell Anger who’s boss. Don’t forget to subscribe to, rate, and review the Geeta Girl Podcast! Check out our website at Follow us on Instagram @GeetaGirlPodcast or on Facebook at Geeta Girl Podcast

Jan 04
Episode 22: Geeta Girl Discusses Excuses Excuses Excuses!

A good part of Chapter 1 in the Bhagavad Geeta is Arjun making excuses for why he doesn’t want to engage in battle with his ne’er-do-well cousins. He makes excuse after excuse for why he can’t do what he knows he has to do. Will it really do any good? They are my family- I can’t stand up to them! It will be bad for my karma if I do something! Sound familiar? In this podcast, we break down all the excuses we make to not do our duty. We discuss how we can stop making excuses and just do the right thing. Arjun had to take on his battles, and so do we. Check out this episode, “Geeta Girl Discusses Excuses Excuses Excuses!” on our website, Apple Podcast/iTunes, Spotify, and everywhere you listen to podcasts. Don’t forget to subscribe to, rate, and review the Geeta Girl Podcast! Check out our website at Follow us on Instagram @GeetaGirlPodcast or on Facebook at Geeta Girl Podcast  

Nov 28, 2023
Episode 21: Geeta Girl Discusses Practicing What You Preach

We all know the negative tendencies we need to change. Control your anger? Sure. Stop judging others? Okay, fine.  Meditate more and eat healthier? Definitely. But why is it so hard to change? The Geeta shares with us ways to make our good habits stick.  Check out our first podcast of Season 5, “Geeta Girl Discusses Practicing What You Preach” on our website, Apple Podcast/iTunes, Spotify, and everywhere you listen to podcasts. Don’t forget to subscribe to, rate, and review the Geeta Girl Podcast! Check out our website at Follow us on Instagram @GeetaGirlPodcast or on Facebook at Geeta Girl Podcast  

Oct 23, 2023
Episode 20:Geeta Girl Discusses Dealing with You When the Problem is Them

What is your duty or your dharma when it comes to dealing with the complainers, the hostile, the rude, the passive aggressive, or just downright aggressive people in your life? The not so great news? You will likely always have people who frustrate and disappoint you. But the Bhagavad Geeta’s gift to you is advice about when and how to deal with them and when and how to walk away. Check out our latest and last podcast of Season 4, “Geeta Girl Discusses Dealing with You When the Problem is Them” on our website, Apple Podcast/iTunes, Spotify, and everywhere you listen to podcasts. Don’t forget to subscribe to, rate, and review the Geeta Girl Podcast! Check out our website at Follow us on Instagram @GeetaGirlPodcast or on Facebook at Geeta Girl Podcast

Dec 20, 2022
Episode 19: “Geeta Girl Discusses Finally! An Instruction Manual for Parenting”

You’ve heard parents complain that kids don’t come with an instruction manual (despite shelves of books at your local bookstore that try to fill that gap). In this podcast, we break down the ultimate parenting guidebook. The Bhagavad Geeta may not break down the healthiest snacks for kids or the best video games for your teen but all the advice you need to raise kids without pulling your hair out? Yup, it’s full of that. Check out our latest podcast, “Geeta Girl Discusses Finally! An Instruction Manual for Parenting” on our website, Apple Podcast/iTunes, Spotify, and everywhere you listen to podcasts. Don’t forget to subscribe to, rate, and review the Geeta Girl Podcast! Check out our website at Follow us on Instagram @GeetaGirlPodcast or on Facebook at Geeta Girl Podcast  

Dec 07, 2022
Episode 18: Geeta Girl Discusses #WWKD: What would Krishna Do: A Conversation about Dharma for Teens (and Adults!)

Are you teen? Do you have a teen? Were you a teen (though you may want to forget)? If so, you’re going to want to listen to this podcast. We discuss balancing competing priorities, dealing with peer pressure, managing growing responsibilities, and, of course, why does everyone’s social media life look better than mine? (Hmmm, maybe this podcast isn’t just for teens).  And to no one’s surprise, the Geeta holds some answers. Sharmila and Shaila take a backseat in this podcast and invited some very special young people to lead the discussion and share questions and examples from their own lives. If you have a teen in your life, we encourage you to listen to this podcast together. Check out our latest podcast, “Geeta Girl Discusses #WWKD: What would Krishna Do: A Conversation about Dharma for Teens (and Adults!)” on our website, Apple Podcast/iTunes, Spotify, and everywhere you listen to podcasts. Don’t forget to subscribe to, rate, and review the Geeta Girl Podcast! Check out our website at Follow us on Instagram @GeetaGirlPodcast or on Facebook at Geeta Girl Podcast Don’t forget to subscribe to, rate, and review the Geeta Girl Podcast!  

Nov 22, 2022
Episode 17: Geeta Girl Discusses You Do You: Choosing and Doing Your Own Unique Dharma

In this podcast, we discuss defining and following through with your own unique dharma or responsibility. That means doing the hard stuff even if you don’t want to. Standing up for what is the right (despite the naysaying). And following through with your responsibilities without worrying about the outcome. So focus on taking action and not on the results- like canvassing, writing postcards, phone banking, talking to friends, voting! And if things don’t go the way you hoped, you know what you have to do. Your dharma. Again (and again). Check out our podcast, “Geeta Girl Discusses You Do You: Choosing and Doing Your Own Unique Dharma” on our website, Apple Podcast/iTunes, Spotify, and everywhere you listen to podcasts.  Check out our website at Follow us on Instagram @GeetaGirlPodcast or on Facebook at Geeta Girl Podcast Don’t forget to subscribe to, rate, and review the Geeta Girl Podcast!  

Nov 08, 2022
Episode 16: “Geeta Girl Discusses Dharma Decisions Decisions Decisions!”

On this next season of the Geeta Girl Podcast, we focus on Dharma. Dharma in its most simplest definition is your duty. However, it is far more complex. It is doing the right thing at the right time given the context of your situation. In the first episode of this season, we talk about the complexities of doing your dharma and help answer the question, how do I know what my dharma is and how do I know if I am doing the right thing? Here’s the good news- Krishna wrote you a cheat sheet in the Bhagavad Geeta and we’re going to help break it down. Check out our first podcast of the season, “Geeta Girl Discusses Dharma Decisions Decisions Decisions!” Check out our website at Follow us on Instagram @GeetaGirlPodcast or on Facebook at Geeta Girl Podcast Don’t forget to subscribe to, rate, and review the Geeta Girl Podcast!

Oct 25, 2022
Episode 15: “Geeta Girl Discusses Free Your Mind and the Rest will Follow”

Is this your inner dialogue while you are meditating? “OMMM…OMMM….oooh, I think I’ll order Thai tonight…okay, back to the breathing…OMMM…OMMM…oh, and I need to remember to set a reminder to buy dog food…FOCUS!”. If this sounds familiar to you, don’t worry, you are not alone. From the unique perspective of the Geeta, we discuss why meditation is tough for many of us, and why you need to stick to it anyway. We discuss why it’s an essential tool in combatting your anxiety and perhaps, most importantly, in soaking up every bit of that Geeta knowledge. Check out the last podcast in this latest season’s focus on combatting anxiety “Geeta Girl Discusses Free Your Mind and the Rest will Follow”. Check out our website at Follow us on Instagram @GeetaGirlPodcast or on Facebook at Geeta Girl Podcast Don’t forget to subscribe to, rate, and review the Geeta Girl Podcast!

Jun 06, 2022
Episode 14: Geeta Girl Discusses Cultivating Compassion

Picture the person with whom you have the most challenging relationship. Do you have their image in your mind? (No judgment if you pictured them before you even finished reading the sentence.) Now what if you were able to make that relationship less difficult? Would your life be less stressful? In this podcast, we discuss Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT). Lavina Shamdasani, a student and teacher of CCT shares how to utilize this technique to see the God in everyone. CCT is based on the belief that we are all born with innate compassion and tapping into that compassion for ourselves and others can take us one step closer to a life of happiness and less suffering. And who doesn’t want more of that. Listen to this podcast for practical tips on how to live a life with more compassion, empathy, and kindness - towards yourself and others. Check out our latest podcast “Geeta Girl Discusses Cultivating Compassion” on our website, Apple Podcast/iTunes, Spotify, and everywhere you listen to podcasts. Don’t forget to subscribe to, rate, and review the Geeta Girl Podcast! Check out our website at Follow us on Instagram @GeetaGirlPodcast or on Facebook at Geeta Girl Podcast Don’t forget to subscribe to, rate, and review the Geeta Girl Podcast!

Apr 11, 2022
Episode 13: Geeta Girl Discusses You Gotta Have Faith

Do you need to believe in God to have faith? Not necessarily, according to Krishna. Surprised? But you do need to have faith in the teachings of the Bhagavad Geeta. How do we build that faith? And what is the role of that faith in managing our anxieties? In this podcast, we outline the specific tips described in the Geeta to build our faith in God and in the teachings of the Geeta.  It’s a lot simpler than you think. You just have to have a little faith.   Don’t forget to subscribe to, rate, and review the Geeta Girl Podcast! Check out our website at Follow us on Instagram @GeetaGirlPodcast or on Facebook at Geeta Girl Podcast  

Mar 01, 2022
Episode 12: Geeta Girl Discusses Who and What is God Anyway?

“What if God was one of us, Just a slob like one of us?” In her song “One of Us” Joan Osborne, wonders the same the thing so many of us do- who and what is God? In this podcast, we explore how the Bhagavad Geeta answers this question. Here’s a hint: God is not one of us, but in all of us.  Check out our latest podcast “Geeta Girl Discusses Who and What is God Anyway?” This podcast is a two-parter. In the next podcast, we will discuss how and why to have faith in God. Check out our website at Follow us on Instagram @GeetaGirlPodcast or on Facebook at Geeta Girl Podcast Don’t forget to subscribe to, rate, and review the Geeta Girl Podcast!

Dec 06, 2021
Episode 11: Geeta Girl Discusses Tackling Anxiety through Detachment from our Attachments

Did you know that Krishna invented the rave, the all night dance party? Krishna is a lover of joy and an important part of his teachings in the Bhagavad Geeta is how to experience true happiness. But how can we experience true joy if we are feeling anxious? Even before the pandemic, we have all felt moments (maybe a lot of moments) of fear and worry. In this third season, we will focus on how the Bhagavad Geeta is an epic therapy session from Krishna to Arjun (and us!) on how to deal with our panic attacks, anxiety, and fears. In this first episode of the season we talk about how we can let go of all of it.    Check out our website at Follow us on Instagram @GeetaGirlPodcast or on Facebook at Geeta Girl Podcast Don’t forget to subscribe to, rate, and review the Geeta Girl Podcast!

Nov 03, 2021
Episode 10: Geeta Girl Discusses What Comes Around Goes Around…Right?”

What comes around goes around, right? We all know there is that invisible karma scale. If someone does something bad, then something bad will happen to them, right? And if that someone does something bad to us, well, we have a right to help tip that scale, correct? Get our revenge. Help even things out. Are you fantasizing about it right now? Well, stop! Because even thinking about it costs us some karma points. In the last episode of this second season, we will talk about how that scale gets balanced—the good deeds and the not so good ones. Spoiler alert: relax, the universe will take care of it, and take care of you.  This is our last podcast of the second season! Thank you to all of you who have listened and supported us through TWO seasons of the Geeta Girl podcast! We will be back in the fall and look forward to connecting with you all then. For those of you who want your Geeta Girl content sooner, we will be dropping a few videos on our social media in the months between so stay tuned (and be sure to follow us on social media - links below) Check out our website at Follow us on Instagram @GeetaGirlPodcast or on Facebook at Geeta Girl Podcast Don’t forget to subscribe to, rate, and review the Geeta Girl Podcast!  

May 27, 2021
Episode 9: Geeta Girl Discusses Turning your Family Drama into Positive Family Karma

Have you ever had a family member that you couldn’t get along with? A relative who was, um, difficult? Most of us are no stranger to family conflicts. In this podcast, we invite Karen Passalacqua, a Family Constellation Facilitator, to help us discuss how we can deal with the inevitable family conflicts that come our way in a more constructive manner, creating positive karma for ourselves (and more peace in our lives). Check out our website at Follow us on Instagram @GeetaGirlPodcast or on Facebook at Geeta Girl Podcast Don’t forget to subscribe to, rate, and review the Geeta Girl Podcast!  

Apr 19, 2021
Episode 8: Geeta Girl Discusses Karma with her Dad, the original Geeta Girl’s Guru

If the system of karma works, why do some people seem to be getting away with doing bad stuff? Does Hinduism allow us to ignore the difficulties of others and say “not my problem, it’s their karma”? And whose karma is to blame for COVID? We discuss these and other difficult questions in this episode. This podcast is an enlightening conversation between Sharmila and her dad, her first Geeta teacher. She asks him all the tough questions about karma we all want to know and listen as he shares the non-sugarcoated truth. Check out our website at Follow us on Instagram @GeetaGirlPodcast or on Facebook at Geeta Girl Podcast

Mar 08, 2021
Episode 7: Geeta Girl Discusses Updating Our Operating System to Create Our Best Karma.

It’s not just our computers that require updates, even our personal Operating System (OS) needs constant updating. How you operate determines the Karma you create. In this podcast, we learn about three modes of operation: Sattvic, Rajsic, and Tamsic. These are three ways of behaving that impact our Karma. Listen to learn how we can all update our OS to create our best Karma.   Check out our website at

Feb 15, 2021
Episode 6: Geeta Girl Discusses What’s in your Karma Bank Account?

Everyone loves to name drop Karma.  Karma has been the focus of poems, revenge fantasies, and even songs. This season, Geeta Girl breaks it all down for us. Check out this first episode to learn all about what karma is and how you can get more of the good kind. 

Jan 29, 2021
Episode 4: Geeta Girl Discusses What to do When Things. Go. Wrong.

How do you deal when you do your very best and things still go wrong? What do you do when you have checked every box, dotted every “i”, and things still don’t go the way you hoped. At all. Whether it’s a work issue, a parenting issue, or a relationship issue, we have all been there. How do you deal with the resulting regret, disappointment, and guilt? Listen as we share the Bhagavad Geeta’s advice on what to do when things don’t go according to plan. Check out our website at Follow us on Instagram @GeetaGirlPodcast or on Facebook at Geeta Girl Podcast Additional Keywords: Bhagavad Gita, Hinduism, Spirituality

Oct 29, 2020
Episode 5: Geeta Girl Discusses Can You Believe in the Geeta When You Don’t Believe in God?

Geeta Girl host Sharmila’s son is an atheist?!? In this episode, Sharmila and her son Mohit (a recent college grad) discuss his atheism and how he feels about the teachings in the Geeta. Sharmila and Mohit also talk about the power of painful experiences - dealing with mental health issues, pressure, and difficult relationships and if having hope is helpful in facing adversity (the answer may surprise you). And what does the Geeta advise us to do when faced with this difficult  situation or  person?  Simply change our perspective and suck it up, or speak up and take action?? Their discussion is thought-provoking, honest, and humorous. This is our last podcast of the season! Thank you to all of you who have listened and supported the launch of the Geeta Girl podcast! We will be back in January 2021 and look forward to connecting with you all then. Check out our website at Follow us on Instagram @GeetaGirlPodcast or on Facebook at Geeta Girl Podcast

Oct 27, 2020
Episode 3: Geeta Girl Discusses Dharma

When facing a dilemma, do you sometimes think, “Oh Lord, what do I do now?” Well, the Bhagavad Geeta has the answer! The main theme in the Bhagavad Geeta is Dharma. What does dharma mean? It means your duty or your responsibility, or put simply, what on earth do I do now?? The Bhagavad Geeta discusses what to do, how to do it, and why you gotta do what you gotta do,  even when you feel like it is difficult or impossible. Our guest on this episode is Ami Kantawala who joined us to discuss the dilemma her family faced with her husband as a front line health care worker during the COVID 19 pandemic. How do you know what your duty is? This is the question we ask in this podcast and discuss  Krishna’s advice in the  Bhagavad Geeta. Check out our website at Follow us on Instagram @GeetaGirlPodcast or on Facebook at Geeta Girl Podcast

Sep 09, 2020
Episode 2 Geeta Girl Discusses Do your Best, Leave the Rest

As a society, we are so goal oriented, right? My project at work needs to turn out a certain way, my children need to behave a certain way, my vacation needs to happen in a certain way, my life at age (fill in the blank) needs to be a certain way. But what if being goal-oriented is not the best way to achieve your goals? Join us and our special guest Dr. Shama Ahuja, an epidemiologist working on pandemic response efforts, as we discuss what the Bhagavad Geeta says about how to maximize your performance in pursuit of all your goals, and feel fulfilled at the same time.   Check out our website at Follow us on Instagram @GeetaGirlPodcast or on Facebook at Geeta Girl Podcast

Aug 19, 2020
Mini-pod: Geeta Girl’s Quick Tips for Meditation

OMMMMMMM! New to meditation? We offer some basic guidance for meditation, a central concept in the Geeta. Listen to this mini podcast to learn why meditation is so important for your spiritual health and to learn a quick mediation you can do anywhere, anytime.    Check out our website at Follow us on Instagram @GeetaGirlPodcast or on Facebook at Geeta Girl Podcast

Aug 03, 2020
Mini-pod: Geeta Girl Glossary

New to reading the Geeta? No problem! We explain some basic concepts that may be helpful to know as you listen to the Podcast. (Some of these concepts are also explained on our website This mini-podcast is just 15 minutes long. Check out our website at Follow us on Instagram @GeetaGirlPodcast or on Facebook at Geeta Girl Podcast

Aug 03, 2020
Episode 1: Geeta Girl Discusses how to Keep Calm and Carry On

This podcast asks the question: How does the Geeta advise us to keep calm during a crisis? Currently, we are dealing with a global pandemic, fighting against long standing racial injustices, home-schooling our children and other anxieties. Join us as we discuss how the Geeta can help us cope with these and other daily stressors.  Check out our website at Follow us on Instagram @GeetaGirlPodcast or on Facebook at Geeta Girl Podcast

Jul 29, 2020