When Miranda Young and Kristy Sumner, PhD, decided to take over the Historic Scott County Jail, they discovered it was full of spirits who were genuinely excited to meet them. We first interviewed Kristy Sumner in 2020, in one of our best paranormal podcast episodes about haunted jailhouses https://homespunhaints.com/best-paranormal-podcast-episodes in the South. Back then, she was doing paranormal investigations in and around Ocala, FL. While she is still a part of Soul Sisters https://www.soulsistersparanormal.com/ Paranormal, she has relocated to East Tennessee. Follow Soul Sisters Paranormal on their Instagram https://www.instagram.com/_soulsistersparanormal_/ or Facebook page https://homespunhaints.com/best-paranormal-podcast-episodes, and dont miss their YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@SoulSistersParanormal coverage of investigations. Kristy now works with with Ghost Biker Miranda, another paranormal investigator we previously interviewed about the phantom monk https://homespunhaints.com/phantom-monk-of-tennessee of East Tennessee. Visit her website at ghostbikerexplorations.com http://ghostbikerexplorations.com. Then follow her on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@ghostbiker6662 for coverage of her investigations and interviews (she even interviewed us https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_LKyyB3v78&t=1027s), and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/GhostBikerExplorations of Instagram https://www.instagram.com/runaway_vixen/ for updates and events. Since we last interviewed them, Kristy and Miranda have started leading public overnight paranormal investigations at the historic Scott County Jail https://homespunhaints.com/spend-night-in-haunted-jail in East Tennessee. They also do daytime tours, focused on historical preservation. Find more details on their collaborations through History, Highways, and Haunts, LLC here https://www.historyhighwayshaunts.com/. Book a tour of the jail here https://www.historicscottcojail.com/services-4, and dont miss the escape room in a genuine maximum security prison wing! They also host the nighttime ghost walks in Rugby https://www.historyhighwayshaunts.com/rugby-after-dark together now. Check Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092459812966 for Rugby ghost tour information and special events. Need a website? Check out Becky and Diana's digital media and web design company, The Concept Spot https://theconceptspot.com/, and let's make some digital spookiness together! theconceptspot.com https://theconceptspot.com/ Support the show https://patreon.com/homespunhaints
Byron grew up in a haunted area surrounded by haunted houses and ghosts, but she never feared the messages she received from those that had passed. Now as an adult, she serves her community by cleansing and blessing homes and writing books to help others learn the field magic that has been passed down for generations in her family. H. Byron Ballard is a senior priestess at and a founder of Mother Grove Goddess Temple https://mothergrove.org/, and also a pastor. She also knows a lot of stories about Asheville hauntings, as shes guided ghost tours there. Her books on traditional Appalachian craft are published by Llewellyn Press. Order her books from Byrons local indie bookstore at malaprops.com https://www.malaprops.com/book/9780738773704, and shell sign it for you before it is shipped. Also visit her website myvillagewitch.com https://www.myvillagewitch.com/ or follow her on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100027452181385 as H. Byron Ballard, author, Witch About Town, for events and more info. Need a website? Check out Becky and Diana's digital media and web design company, The Concept Spot https://theconceptspot.com/, and let's make some digital spookiness together! theconceptspot.com https://theconceptspot.com/ Support the show https://patreon.com/homespunhaints
Sean and Jennifer Bowman of Bump in the Night Society have experienced some things that will make your skin crawl, but they keep going back for more. Check out Bump in the Nights videos and links at linktr.ee/bumpinthenightsociety https://linktr.ee/bumpinthenightsociety Photo by Josh jfisher https://unsplash.com/@jfisher5432?utm_content=creditCopyText&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash on Unsplash https://unsplash.com/photos/brown-wooden-bridge-under-clear-blue-sky-Tu3tIIJGCa8?utm_content=creditCopyText&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash Need a website? Check out Becky and Diana's digital media and web design company, The Concept Spot https://theconceptspot.com/, and let's make some digital spookiness together! theconceptspot.com https://theconceptspot.com/ Support the show https://patreon.com/homespunhaints
When psychic medium Dr. Ronda Caudill purchased the historic Nickerson Snead house, she planned on moving in. However, after starting renovations, she realized that this old house was too haunted even for her. Ronda L. Caudill, PhD is a writer, publisher, psychic medium, tasseographer, Reiki Master, witch and owner of the haunted Nickerson Snead House in Glade Spring, VA. She is the owner of Full Moon Publishing, LLC, Co-Owner and Executive Producer of Shadow Work Productions, LLC and Lead Psychic Medium with SRS Paranormal. She recently starred in Season of the Witch, produced by Sword & Stone Entertainment and T. Lee Films. Ronda comes from a long line of psychically gifted women and healers whose lineage comes from Ireland and Scotland, having Cherokee roots in the Appalachian Mountains as well as having an ancestor who was tried as a witch during the Salem Witch Trials. Ronda is also a sensitive, having had paranormal experiences her entire life. She began communing with the dead at the age of 18 and began tea leaf reading at the age of 19. Ronda has also practiced mirror scrying, table tipping, using dowsing rods, pendulums and spirit boards for over thirty years. Follow Ronda on her social media: Facebook: @rondacaudillphd https://www.facebook.com/rondacaudillphd Instagram: @caudillronda https://www.instagram.com/caudillronda Learn more about Ronda L. Caudill, PhD at homespunhaints.com Need a website? Check out Becky and Diana's digital media and web design company, The Concept Spot https://theconceptspot.com/, and let's make some digital spookiness together! theconceptspot.com https://theconceptspot.com/ Support the show https://patreon.com/homespunhaints
You begged us to reveal more spooky secrets about incredibly haunted Appalachia, so enjoy this true story about the hauntings of Jonesborough, Tennessee. Today, we speak with Anne, program Director of the McKinney Center and also an author and playwright, to talk about her experiences at the heritage alliance and with SRS paranormal. Join us on this journey to Tennessee’s oldest European settled town, and and hear about the 1840s Duncan house, the 1797 Chester Inn, and a house that comes with a rocking chair that you absolutely must not move, today, on Homespun Haints! Support the show https://patreon.com/homespunhaints
Lower-half body apparitions are more common than you think, fast food restaurants have secret sauces and some haunted castles can kill you. We learned a lot from our Season 5, and we want to ensure you go forth this winter with the same valuable knowledge that will keep you safe from the lure of the picture-perfect lifestyle. Life is messy, ghosts are messier, and we may have the messiest morals of all. Support the show https://patreon.com/homespunhaints
Matt and Meredith of Boredwalk may have a dark, macabre sense of humor that they imbue into their spooky products, but they definitely know how to run a successful business. Join us as we discuss the ghastly hilarious inspiration behind some of their favorite products, and learn a little about the behind-the-scenes work that goes into running a creatively-focused enterprise. Check out Boredwalk at www.boredwalk.com https://www.boredwalk.com/ and be sure to sign up for their entertaining newsletter! Looking to start or grow your own business? Check out what the Homespun Haints team can do for you with our other company, The Concept Spot https://theconceptspot.com. Please support our show on our Patreon! patreon.com/homespunhaints https://patreon.com/homespunhaints Check out Southern Gothic's podcast at www.southerngothicmedia.com https://www.southerngothicmedia.com/ Support the show https://patreon.com/homespunhaints
Diana continues to remain a skeptic to the paranormal, even after everything she has experienced. But today, her ancestors whop her upside the head with a message from beyond that she just cannot ignore. Cool rewinding cassette sound courtesy of https://freesound.org/people/stecman/sounds/376058/ Please support our Patreon! patreon.com/homespunhaints https://patreon.com/homespunhaints Support the show https://patreon.com/homespunhaints
Laura Tempest Zakroff is an artist, dancer, author, and modern traditional witch who has lived in many haunted houses. Check out Tempests books at lauratempestzakroff.com https://lauratempestzakroff.com/ and her Instagram at @owlkeyme.arts https://www.instagram.com/owlkeyme.arts Check out Southern Gothic's podcast at www.southerngothicmedia.com https://www.southerngothicmedia.com/ Support the show https://patreon.com/homespunhaints
Repeat guest Frantz describes his encounters with ghosts of Tibetan monks in a Florida Airbnb, undead peeping toms in a hotel in Phoenix, and a demonic grandmother in a San Francisco lodging. But, per his usual, Frantz handles these bizarre encounters with hilarity and grace. Check out Southern Gothic's podcast at www.southerngothicmedia.com https://www.southerngothicmedia.com/ Support the show https://patreon.com/homespunhaints
Ron Reikki, author and poet, shares an experience from his youth where he did something that haunts him to this day. Check out Rons works on Google https://www.google.com/search?q=ron+reikki&oq=ron+reikki&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIJCAEQABgNGIAEMgoIAhAAGAoYFhgeMgoIAxAAGIYDGIoFMgoIBBAAGIYDGIoFMgoIBRAAGIYDGIoFMgoIBhAAGIYDGIoFMgoIBxAAGIYDGIoF0gEIMjE5MWowajeoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&si=ALGXSla5mniG-u0uv6gox9pLztxhObdI98tPQY7QnHFpm8N2ly9i7lmWhRWVQVgsU3uWFi2JZcFFj8bFWVMdxRtUHjmjs-mMGrVvXeGc3iXbtQrn51Gn6yFdsd4NZBhR9_oxBcxZmzKnnHdvswI2v8qpyRjqwtGpyjRc5UFmbwyCw37ObelBkZu4yoFAYf3_qrzVnSojwcsklgSPmZOGk2Sr_T4LP_CRKx4YkK8kLg_PMrlD2PqzkRQ3siTkWu1_0UTw0hNROznJIW4R1SY9s1uRMjGC4i7IT2CJjy_E32mK6CVMl6bVgdGDSybCU1_V5KJHT_b8lWomXEe2WEwJRJ0JGtse19zAiAM4Tnx0eN5xovK1XZoU0h9dLwhpBPc-tBlWKvgP5RU_IQKORYRocmg-ZSBxldAtg8h0DBVdBZOx6YzJ8cFQ_WO3a2roLXiAialuP2VLLzc3RGCBKQrTDtH8UoPZ81Y7hvhJSaHjfIVPsfiqHxUWTkoNZ0-W5WORFiMTv2O7iF3pVULLylqEmjg-Lm9ABXAgNYaEOBH2nM5NM-0OCg6Bjv9Q99GvbwOqRUv2Z_Zv_UTTorpR35cg5KRhc_JiGWYoEXXwIWmIadkVudztNsMPoBeuLOcLgLIFVUWxrZd4urQeKqW0zX0eo5IXFoLCok904uBtvMtpyX793nQArVzl_TCRkzkX7h5Kcacbp4EFbluiBKnqzroXEnkIcmYHDBqOAP6w53GNaNX6EcZtUZSxP4B_aKoXkqbg1JRNXGtanOIiaiu1-DDww9WDj0vHV4x0L7cRIQNP3ktzRj3btHW3GU7YMF1AygdKLTw0Ex2cd4sKIrN46HMKzDVS827-L6djG20H-lk6l0cmJ5n7XLGnMlaeeqoVxtXJaj-hOk_tPfCGdGAYvp-TLCCzgenXWebCNgBzp866ltVmlHkJ53eq9V-rTtY2O_0h5ZKBpx2xjMhMK_yeXP8PIufy-h0shpozt4dv94EH6gDMkylxpD4IMUx7KkDn_zslFsDt4zO6VnuiLIsYO2nNB68LWIM-6KYrEZ9OCIP5etJONod-SfpdyhDvB0k2_alKoPfjkPjQlxfw1HFccd3Qu66Hj5X3UyaACfSc0MKmIqTNeLXlRwEM4QTC5nPhIgDoUDlP2FgwXqevlIsREgP8PUIuGU-bBft0-MLpmDWTwmEbCeQLWwFhpQApTFQxFDZX5wGES1dDg2xcdOmpekxEOke3wydF_qxovZL1tNT4_D8hb3e1-MCmZ1rHRRbNSegEFYs7izvZ4ajbUeb_9O-YaMmJyv4HIU4N7VyPN65kO3F_k6TKmqTl3joWIf7FLnGC9zNsvXxUDReeuMRjXFqkKsM1F1xwjOh-hZVsS6JqZBjQTaY4smJ5rTmLyyw1o6WZq1a0qFEpFGV1BJPwyaj4-Q3eUTKj_ZOBFCVXuVksQ-KvQHs0VZETXbPhCZWizazDeWRK_ttcnusrGtyw-hLCy7jE9mujl-aZva6OnBUF26O97R__GOR7vNiZGM9L726k5UcDvU-5F5tt3awr-CtrYHEVfV1NobIGwsMQ_pizPOGEiDoQ6LkR-dazPeKPKgGSxq6VPc411am2JWm39Zj6vdS7TBym3O_v3rVjD_7u8ZDE82woHod1rfIb73Z6jv0pZMpZfouVyOo8fq6nKT5-FHW5iyJjEg4x0sO77bwrHpvhvmML-qSltyVlt4XK3VHCx3w6JmnE8VAwJqcQSqG7Hsha1k94yVrlQQh93wWQzsCQoPQmTfHStLNXws8XfDJq_lU06400GsmHvS2rcyJVr-kqKWwP3avEqpqYRbYQxvfMNzTWoGRobNW7dxcg09r_oPS-QR6gylan5z5ny6LNhBM5URcqHP3YpDQO6mVd2aST-NUoO0KcDONbZ3DXydHluNPX6yK4R1Sa_YCsUhzI4CUr3TaA55qPaFb0rhdxuOOjiZhc9a6fMO9c_AwjFWMKc2BO88Kenzz4gXMv58uZmdgPrZ13vJDajlCgHpCx--SkUeAydxnMJx5f7G3VID0EpxJkpEjsA29SfNNtnwWC18MTCPFWyygLByIXAjoqtySp5DWGpx7u61HeiwdAmZ1dCDM69uq16A6WBm6yPW5ACHs2vKX0PX0uwTqKhJuV3KpR9cPX7XlaLkXkUe9GasDm8RNudpCTzJPqgGd8C5B7hMazB7AtJGR7_Sv7w1X4tOi0Gsfav3DeFmh8uTYmsaUhTNSJHrhfJpApSgTBVls6sKJ_rqBhb6IjqxDrBHhduonV_lhT7S8Lo0o2x7dhVSS76tSxVlEt3x_GimNri64H1dZx4k8vdQZK0mKuw7dNVLmZO_-Sa4B0PPpklg9zy2JI5QEL4ZPkrC1Ba102r1ULVNvzGFXUGj4vXfLEzzVPNj_DIzoazvHMNNEAennkGaIUUxhlDR75NhEGwxF5AwyPXkCnB-PYrbJiKg4eo2j_V50gLV025mggDHmsxShGHzn1gBPb9AuioFAynBUuQbGH-n01pkLb_yYX5W2NnKL1tQzKJKBWd25kangBK-O6v5Nazk1S5FPJ7HpG&ictx=1&ved=2ahUKEwiBvsDUhvuBAxX2lmoFHdsaABIQyNoBKAB6BAgREAA#ip=1. Check out Southern Gothic's podcast at www.southerngothicmedia.com https://www.southerngothicmedia.com/ Support the show https://patreon.com/homespunhaints
Robert Curran, AKA Dr. Bob, shares some of the ancient folk wisdom of Ireland along with many, many Irish ghost stories. Check out Bob Currans books at obrien.ie/robert-curran https://obrien.ie/robert-curran and simonandschuster.com/authors/Bob-Curran/146578219 https://www.simonandschuster.com/authors/Bob-Curran/146578219 Support the show https://patreon.com/homespunhaints
Jo Kerrigan, who literally wrote the book on Druids in the pagan world of Ireland--a place she considers a portal to the fairy world--explains how the origins of Halloween evolved from Samhain. Check out all of Jos books from OBrien press at obrien.ie/jo-kerrigan https://obrien.ie/jo-kerrigan BLURRED WISDOM https://www.buzzsprout.com/2211871 The bad advice podcast. Three halfwits with microphones and a bottle of malt whisky.... Listen on: Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/podcast/id Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/4lBlSqq6hkq75QSgL9JyzA Support the show https://patreon.com/homespunhaints
Nicks haunted Michigan house features a frequently shaking bed and serpentine black mist. Or…is that just Nick? Please support our affiliate Ectogasm and get 10% off all orders over $20. Go to ectogasm.net https://www.ectogasm.net/?sca_ref=1635048.D9mmTNd61e and use code HAINTS Support the show https://patreon.com/homespunhaints
Many of us fear Friday the 13th, but do you know why? There are some pretty juicy theories out there, and we’re going to share them with you on this episode of Homespun Haints. Want to get in on our livestream, "Diana's Haunted Basement Beckons?" Go to homespunhaints.com/basement https://homespunhaints.com/basement to RSVP now! Support the show https://patreon.com/homespunhaints
"No one makes it through the night." Thats what the bartender told Allison when she won the chance to spend the night in a haunted speakeasy as part of a charity auction. Determined to make it until morning, Allison soon realized just how haunted her surroundings were--and how much power she had to change it. Check out the anthology that will be featuring Allison at https://a.co/d/1P1K8G1 Support the show https://patreon.com/homespunhaints
Mihaela Roe is a ghost tour guide who tells us the history (and ghosts) of Santa Monica and Santa Monica Pier. She also lets us in on some authentic vampire folklore from her home in Romania. Check out Mihaelas tour company at usghostadventures.com/santa-monica https://usghostadventures.com/santa-monica/ and her language learning institute at strommeninc.com https://strommeninc.com/ Were gearing up for our big livestream event on September 24. Grab your tix now at homespunhaints.com/basement https://homespunhaints.com/basement Patrons get to attend the event for free. To join our Patreon, go to patreon.com/homespunhaints https://www.patreon.com/homespunhaints Want to get in on our livestream, "Diana's Haunted Basement Beckons?" Go to homespunhaints.com/basement https://homespunhaints.com/basement to RSVP now! Support the show https://patreon.com/homespunhaints
Mihaela Roe is a ghost tour guide who tells us the history (and ghosts) of Santa Monica and Santa Monica Pier. She also lets us in on some authentic vampire folklore from her home in Romania. Check out Mihaela's tour company at usghostadventures.com/santa-monica https://usghostadventures.com/santa-monica/ and her language learning institute at strommeninc.com https://strommeninc.com/ We're gearing up for our big livestream event on September 24. Grab your tix now at homespunhaints.com/basement https://homespunhaints.com/basement Patrons get to attend the event for free. To join our Patreon, go to patreon.com/homespunhaints https://www.patreon.com/homespunhaints This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/5199458/advertisement
Kelly Fordon of Let's Deconstruct a Story Podcast shares generational stories and Irish ghost folklore from her family. Her premonitions of death demonstrate that the bonds of love do not die when our bodies do. Check out Kelly's podcast, blog, and books at kellyfordon.com https://kellyfordon.com/ Wanna know what's in Diana's Basement's Secret Passage? Join our Patreon at patreon.com/homespunhaints https://www.patreon.com/homespunhaints This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/5199458/advertisement
A teenage girl is tormented by a malevolent entity in her attic. Then, she gets blamed for the havoc that it causes. Her experiences lead to a lifelong interest in studying the paranormal. Join our Patreon at patreon.com/homespunhaints https://www.patreon.com/homespunhaints This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/5199458/advertisement
Angela Hartshorn of Hart and Horn has been haunted her whole life, but now, as a practicing witch, hat maker, and artist, she runs head first into ghostly situations. The results, as you can imagine, are pretty terrifying. Check out Angela's wares at hartandhornstore.com https://www.hartandhornstore.com/ and on Instagram at @hartandhorn https://www.instagram.com/hartandhorn/ Follow Angela's podcast at myhauntedlifepodcast.com https://www.myhauntedlifepodcast.com/ or patreon.com/MyHauntedLifePodcast https://www.patreon.com/MyHauntedLifePodcast Interested in joining our Patreon? Check it out patreon.com/homespunhaints https://www.patreon.com/homespunhaints Photo by Kait Herzog https://unsplash.com/@kait_herzog?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText on Unsplash https://unsplash.com/photos/6vWD_xnzPuU?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/5199458/advertisement
Our friend Jennifer joins us with another tale of haunted family travel. We revisit the odd nature of the hauntings at the famous Sorrell-Weed House in Savannah, GA, from the perspective of a person quite sensitive to spirits and energies. Speaking of which, what do you make of the earthy-yet-otherworldly presence secreted in the shadows of her suburban home? Support our Patreon at patreon.com/homespunhaints https://www.patreon.com/homespunhaints This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/5199458/advertisement
We talk to Kit and Rory of e as they tell us some of the strangest ghost stories they've shared on their show, as well as give us insight about how they pull off their strange brand of paranormal comedy. Check out at thisparanormallife.com https://www.thisparanormallife.com/ See Kit and Rory's upcoming tour dates at thisparanormallife.com/tour https://www.thisparanormallife.com/tour Check out our Patreon at patreon.com/homespunhaints https://patreon.com/homespunhaints This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/5199458/advertisement
Three short true ghost stories told by the people who experienced them, featuring a guest in the Pecos Triangle, New Mexico, a story about a haunted clock, and a story told by the king of Horror Movies himself, Ken Sledge of Sledgehammer Horror. Check out Ken's YouTube channel, SledgeHammer Horror, at youtube.com/@SledgehammerHorror https://www.youtube.com/@SledgehammerHorror Join our Patreon at patreon.com/homespunhaints https://www.patreon.com/homespunhaints This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/5199458/advertisement
A haunted Florida woman shares experiences of seeing shadow figures, poltergeist activity, and possibly an elemental on ancestral Lakeland land in central Florida. Check out our Patreon at patreon.com/homespunhaints https://www.patreon.com/homespunhaints This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/5199458/advertisement
Katharine grew up in a house that shouldn't have been haunted, but she saw strange apparitions of a little girl, an older man, and other, stranger ghosts that will leave you scratching your head. Then, she moved out into an even more haunted apartment, where the ghosts let her know they were watching her. Interested in supporting our Patreon like our guest does? Check it out at patreon.com/homespunhaints https://www.patreon.com/homespunhaints. If we get 100 patrons by September 1, Becky will go to Tulsa and open a haunted secret passageway with Diana on livestream. This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/5199458/advertisement
Lead paranormal investigator and ghost tour guide Diane Newcomb relays some of her scarier experiences while looking for ghosts at the haunted Crescent Hotel and haunted Basin Park Hotel in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Check out Diane's photos on Facebook at facebook.com/Dianespage https://www.facebook.com/Dianespage and in the Crescent's ghost tour group page at facebook.com/groups/2267566809 https://www.facebook.com/groups/2267566809 If you'd like to support us we'd be thrilled for you to check out our Patreon at patreon.com/homespunhaints https://www.patreon.com/homespunhaints This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/5199458/advertisement
Would you escape a storm by holing up in a haunted hotel? What may seem like a horror movie to some is a nice vacation for Diana, who evacuated to the Haunted Basin Park Hotel in Eureka Springs for a week. Follow us as she gives us the history of the hotel and talks of her own encounters there, all while recording from within the hotel itself! Check out our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/homespunhaints where we'll post the audio from Diana's haunted hotel room. Want to support us? Check out our Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/homespunhaints This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/5199458/advertisement
Lesley Hyde and Makayla Neighbors of the Southern Ghost Girls have both had terrifying entities follow them home after investigating haunted locations. Plus, learn how Lesley has used her psychic abilities to solve crimes. Both women deliver scary, true ghost stories about their experiences as paranormal investigators on the Southern Ghost Girls team. Want to join the Southern Ghost Girls for a haunted tour or investigation? Check them out at southernghostgirls.com https://southernghostgirls.com/ or visit their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/southernghostgirls. Please support our Patreon! patreon.com/homespunhaints https://www.patreon.com/homespunhaints This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/5199458/advertisement
Edgar Allan Poe is famous for his dark and macabre writings, not for his self-help advice. Author Catherine Baab-Muguira, however, explores the biography and works of Poe to find inspiration on how to live life to its fullest. In this episode, we interview Cat about her book Poe for your Problems: Uncommon Advice from History's Least Likely Self-Help Guru. Cat also discusses some of the other dark history from her (and Poe's) hometown of Richmond, Virginia, and shows us that history will continue to haunt us until we finally are ready to acknowledge it. Check out Cat's book Poe for your Problems at https://amzn.to/3orFyO0 Follow her on Instagram @author_catherinebaabmuguira https://www.instagram.com/author_catherinebaabmuguira/ or Twitter @CatBaabMuguira https://twitter.com/CatBaabMuguira for updates. Also subscribe to her free newsletter on Substack https://poecansaveyourlife.substack.com/, Poe Can Save Your Life, for more of her writing. Cat's website is catherinebaabmuguira.com https://www.catherinebaabmuguira.com/contact. Support our podcast on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/homespunhaints This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/5199458/advertisement