Three Thoughts

Martin W Bender


This is a daily devotional where I find three thoughts from a short section of scripture. It corresponds with the readings from the Facebook group “Through the Bible”. Join the group and read through the Bible with me.

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697 episodes

Who is my neighbor? - Luke 10:29-37

Who is my neighbor? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from Luke 10:29-37. 1. The Robbers. 2. The Neglectful. 3. The Merciful. These thoughts come from assigned reading - Luke 9-10. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Jun 17, 2022
What does the parable of the Sower teach? - Luke 8:9-15

What does the Sower parable teach? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from Luke 8:9-15. 1. The Sower. 2. The Seed. 3. The Soil. These thoughts come from assigned reading - Luke 7-8. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Jun 04, 2022
What was John the Baptist preaching? - Luke 3:3-9

What was John the Baptist preaching? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from Luke 3:3-9. 1. Repentance. 2. Forgiveness. 3. Righteous living. These thoughts come from assigned reading - Luke 3-4. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

May 21, 2022
Why should we give generously? - 2 Corinthians 8:8-15

Why should we give generously? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from 2 Corinthians 8:8-15. 1. Christ’s example. 2. God’s provision. 3. Reciprocity. These thoughts come from assigned reading - 2 Corinthians 6-8. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

May 11, 2022
What is Jeremiah’s message? - Jeremiah 30:12-17

What is Jeremiah’s message? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from Jeremiah 30:12-17. 1. God punishes. 2. God judges. 3. God restores. These thoughts come from assigned reading - Jeremiah 27-31. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

May 06, 2022
What is the treasure in jars of clay? - 2 Corinthians 4:7-12

What is the treasure in jars of clay? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from 2 Corinthians 4:7-12. 1. The gospel. 2. The body. 3. Life in Christ. These thoughts come from assigned reading - 2 Corinthians 4-5. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

May 04, 2022
What is Jeremiah’s vision of the figs? - Jeremiah 24:1-10

What is Jeremiah’s vision of the figs? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from Jeremiah 24:1-10. 1. Two baskets. 2. Mercy in judgment. 3. Wrath in judgment. These thoughts come from assigned reading - Jeremiah 22-26. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Apr 29, 2022
What is of first importance? - 1 Corinthians 15:3-11

What is of first importance? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from 1 Corinthians 15:3-11. 1. Died for sin. 2. Appearance made. 3. According to Scripture. These thoughts come from assigned reading - 1 Corinthians 15-16. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Apr 17, 2022
How will God restore Israel? - Jeremiah 16:14-21

How will God restore Israel? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from Jeremiah 16:14-21. 1. Like the exodus. 2. Sin punished. 3. Lesson taught. These thoughts come from assigned reading - Jeremiah 12-16. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Apr 15, 2022
Why must worship be orderly? - 1 Corinthians 14:26-33

Why must worship be orderly? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from 1 Corinthians 14:26-33. 1. Building up. 2. Restraint. 3. Peace over confusion. These thoughts come from assigned reading - 1 Corinthians 13-14. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Apr 10, 2022
What is the way of the nations? - Jeremiah 10:1-10

What is the way of the nations? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from Jeremiah 10:1-10. 1. Idolatry. 2. Trust in kings. 3. Rejection of God. These thoughts come from assigned reading - Jeremiah 7-11. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Apr 08, 2022
What should I know about spiritual gifts? - 1 Corinthians 12:4-11

What should I know about spiritual gifts? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from 1 Corinthians 12:4-11. 1. Variety of gifts. 2. Of God. 3. Common good. These thoughts come from assigned reading - 1 Corinthians 12:4-11. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Apr 03, 2022
Why did Jeremiah predict doom? - Jeremiah 6:16-21

Why did Jeremiah predict doom? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from Jeremiah 6:16-21. 1. Rejected warning. 2. Rejected law. 3. Rejected worship. These thoughts come from assigned reading - Jeremiah 1-6. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Apr 01, 2022
What example does Israel provide? - 1 Corinthians 10:6-13

What example does Israel provide? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from 1 Corinthians 10:6-13. 1. Idolatry. 2. Sexual immorality. 3. Grumbling. These thoughts come from assigned reading - 1 Corinthians 9-10. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Mar 27, 2022
What is the point of all this? - Isaiah 66:18-24

What is the point of all this? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from Isaiah 66:18-24. 1. God’s glory. 2. Covenant kept. 3. Wickedness punished. These thoughts come from assigned reading - Isaiah 62-66. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Mar 25, 2022
Why should we join ourselves to God? - Isaiah 56:1-8

Why should we join ourselves to God? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from Isaiah 56:1-8. 1. Blessed. 2. Covenant kept. 3. House of prayer. These thoughts come from assigned reading - Isaiah 56-61. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Mar 18, 2022
What is the Great Commission? - Matthew 28:16-20

What is the Great Commission? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from Matthew 28:16-20. 1. All authority. 2. Make disciples. 3. Christ’s presence. These thoughts come from assigned reading - Matthew 26-28. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Mar 12, 2022
Why should I seek the Lord? - Isaiah 55:6-13

Why should I seek the Lord? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from Isaiah 55:6-13. 1. Higher thoughts. 2. All accomplished. 3. Joy and peace. These thoughts come from assigned reading - Isaiah 51-55. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Mar 11, 2022
Why should I pursue righteousness? - Job 20:4-11

Why should I pursue righteousness? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from Job 20:4-11. 1. Short lived. 2. Lineage. 3. Death. These thoughts come from assigned reading - Job 19-20. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Mar 10, 2022
How can I defeat fear? - Psalm 27:1-6

How can I defeat fear? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from Psalm 27:1-6. 1. Hierarchy. 2. Beauty. 3. Praise. These thoughts come from assigned reading - Psalms 27-29. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Mar 09, 2022
Why is Ruth’s story significant? - Ruth 4:13-22

Why is Ruth’s story significant? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from Ruth 4:13-22. 1. Moabite. 2. David. 3. Christ. These thoughts come from assigned reading - Ruth 1-4. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Mar 08, 2022
What is going on with Tamar? - Genesis 38:6-11

What is going on with Tamar? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from Genesis 38:6-11. 1. Put to death. 2. Kinsman redeemer. 3. Fear. These thoughts come from assigned reading - Genesis 36-39. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Mar 07, 2022
How is the church built? - 1 Corinthians 3:10-15

How is the church built? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from 1 Corinthians 3:10-15. 1. Jesus Christ. 2. Work. 3. Reward and loss. These thoughts come from assigned reading - 1 Corinthians 3-4. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Mar 06, 2022
What will happen when Christ returns? - Matthew 25:31-46

What will happen when Christ returns? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from Matthew 25:31-46. 1. Sheep. 2. Goats. 3. Son of Man. These thoughts come from assigned reading - Matthew 23-25. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Mar 05, 2022
Are we right to question God? - Isaiah 45:9-13

Are we right question God? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from Isaiah 45:9-13. 1. The Potter. 2. God’s command. 3. Stirred up. These thoughts come from assigned reading - Isaiah 45-50. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Mar 04, 2022
How do Job’s friends try to help? - Job 18:1-8

How do Job’s friends try to help? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from Job 18:1-8. 1. Wise counsel. 2. Lights out. 3. It’s a trap! These thoughts come from assigned reading - Job 17-18. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Mar 03, 2022
Why should I follow the Lord? - Psalm 25:8-15

Why should I follow the Lord? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from Psalm 25:8-15. 1. Instructs sinners. 2. Steadfast love. 3. Friendship. These thoughts come from assigned reading - Psalms 24-26. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Mar 02, 2022
What caused civil war in Israel? - Judges 19:22-26

What caused civil war in Israel? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from Judges 19:22-26. 1. Hospitality. 2. Violence. 3. Cowardice. These thoughts come from assigned reading - Judges 17-21. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Mar 01, 2022
What blessing does the Lord give Jacob? - Genesis 35:9-15

What blessing does the Lord give Jacob? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from Genesis 35:9-15. 1. New name. 2. Nations. 3. Land. These thoughts come from assigned reading - Genesis 32-35. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Feb 28, 2022
Is the word of the cross folly? - 1 Corinthians 1:18-25

Is the word of the cross folly? In this devotional, I share three thoughts from 1 Corinthians 1:18-25. 1. Wisdom. 2. Signs. 3. Crucified. These thoughts come from assigned reading - 1 Corinthians 1-2. If you would like to read through the Bible with me you can do so by joining the Facebook group Through the Bible. Music provided by texasradiofish. All readings are from the ESV unless otherwise noted. Read this devotional’s chapters here: Join Through the Bible here: Watch more devotionals here: Thanks for joining me as we read through the text of scripture together. #ThreeThoughts #ShortBibleLesson #DailyDevotional

Feb 27, 2022