s03e01 - Belfort
APR 01
Description Community

A flash-fiction podcast where a handful of writers create an original story with a limited wordcount in a limited amount of time. In this episode we get to grips with life, death and the bell that tolls.

The stories are:
'The Squeaky Wheel' by Amelia Armande

'Send in the clowns' by Joshua Crisp

'In the Bathyscaphe' by Paul Davies

'A Cautionary Tale for the Fearfully Flatulent' by Fran Bushe

'The Vortex' by Tom McNally,

Featuring listener submissions:
'The Great Bell Master' by Mano Camatsos

Pour your love and scorn on Red Button Audio's twitter, our website, or by mailing us on 100words@redbuttonaudio.org

Created by Tom McNally, featuring Amelia Armande, Joshua Crisp, Paul Davies and Fran Bushe.

Transcript and all story iterations are available here.

Theme tune is Music For Jellyfish by Bell Lungs.

Story music is by John Bartmann, featuring:

      Cheeky Buggers from 'Hide and Sneak'

Bad Broken Robot from 'Robot Space Rock'

Depth of Flight from 'Underwater Wonders'

Pepper the Pig from 'Royalty Free Soundtrack Music, Album Two'

Down to Earth from '90s TV Sitcom Themes with Extra Cheese'

Track art generated by Midjourney

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