Master the Art of Ownership Mentality: Your Catalyst to Career and Business Success
NOV 14, 2023
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“What creates success in business?”

It’s a question with about a thousand different answers, but if you’re looking for the cornerstone of personal and professional growth, the answer is clear: maintaining an ownership mentality.

This week on Catalyst, Launch by NTT DATA’s Chris and Gina discuss the difference between just doing your work and doing work that moves the needle. Check out the highlights below, then dive into the full episode to learn how to reframe your thinking and make stronger decisions.

Remember leaders are owners

Anyone who leads a group or manages a team must think like an owner. That means thinking beyond your cocoon and aligning your actions and decisions with the organization’s overall business goals. 

Make one umbrella of goals

Owners always prioritize the organization’s goals. If your personal goals conflict, think about how you can reorient your thinking so that everything falls under one umbrella.

Embrace risk

Owners are willing to take risks to drive the business forward. Whether that means entering uncharted territory or making decisions that are not based on predefined lists or strict boundaries, you must be adaptable and flexible when things change (and they always do!).

Take advantage of SBAR

SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendations) is a structured way to present a problem to leaders or decision-makers that prevents miscommunication and provides a clear path to resolution.

Leave your ego at the door 

Separate facts from the stories we tell ourselves. Often, our minds subconsciously create certain narratives based on our ego, which can cloud judgment. Focus on the facts and leave out personal interpretations when presenting issues.

"I intend to" statements

In a leadership context, it's beneficial to encourage team members to make their own assessments and recommendations using "I intend to" statements. This approach empowers team members to take initiative, think critically, and actively contribute to decision-making.

As always, don’t forget to subscribe to Catalyst wherever you get your podcasts! We drop a new episode every Tuesday, and each one is jam-packed with catalysts for digital experiences that move millions.
