Friday, 03.15.24
MAR 16, 2024
Description Community

* The Chiefs signed a veteran wide receiver! That's it! All of our wishes have been granted!

*Your city does not have the third biggest St Patrick's Day parade, and there are a few more claims that need to stop being made unchallenged. 

*PornHub has blocked access in Texas. Your state might not be safe for long.

*You probably have long COVID. I know I do. 

*Utah Governor Signs Bill Encouraging Teachers to Carry Guns in Classrooms.

*The latest headline causing conspiracy theorists heads to spin involves the "suicide" of a Boeing whistleblower. 


*Thanks for listening to the podcast. Please leave a review, tell a friend, and join us each weekday on twitch at 2p central. Have a great weekend and we'll see you Monday. 


-Everybody Wang Chung!!! 

