Sara and Pat talk about starting out as a coach!
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Ruckus Drill:
This is from a couple years ago, but it was a drill that changed my practices from "meh" to "woah", in terms of court awareness and energy.
X vs X (or Y, make it work for your team), players serve. Coach's sole job is to work the flip-score to the best of his/her ability. Points are scored via any meaningful communication made by any player. Open your mouth = 1 point for your team.
Example: Team A serves to Team B. Team B calls the serve in (+1), deep (+1), and the serve receiver herself calls mine (+1). The setter would be calling "here" as she transitions up (+1) and God forbid the passer calls the intended setter's name (+1). Let's say there are 3 individual hitters calling for their set (+1) (+1) (+1). So by the time the hitter has made contact with the set, in a perfect world, Team B has scored 8 points.
Team A could be calling on/off/over (+1) on the pass, along with the set that has been made (+1), and whether the player who was set is swinging or tipping (+1). Without having touched the ball, Team A can score 3 points.
Play the rally out as a normal match generally would. Rally points scored count for 1 point as well.
*Obviously you can adjust this for what your gym values in terms of communication. Adjust if you want them to rotate normally, etc etc etc. Make this fit your system*
Play the game to 99 points. The "game" generally takes ~8 minutes or so, IF the players are consistently communicating the right way.
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