Episode 57 - The Cutting Edge (1992)
JAN 24, 2023
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The Ultimate Love/Skate Relationship might just be between Jordan and Nic, as they rather fittingly have a rather fiery argument about the 1992 romantic comedy, The Cutting Edge. One host thinks this film about bickering figure skaters who fall in love is the best romantic comedy he's ever seen, while the other just thinks it's a rambling, mediocre mess. Will our hosts reconcile by the end to win the gold, or will their anger boil over into an ice-melting inferno?!
They also talk about not only 2006's straight to DVD sequel, The Cutting Edge: Going for the Gold, but the The Cutting Edge 3 and The Cutting Edge 4...because one of them watched both of those too for some reason.
The wintry war of words climaxes in the episode-ending trivia battle, where one of the questions is literally "At what minute and second mark does the alligator show up on screen in the Hallmark Channel original film, My Southern Family Christmas," because this is THAT kind of episode.

Music heard this episode:
"Finale" -- Patrick Williams
"Ride on Time" -- Black Box
"Kate Skates Alone" -- Patrick Williams
"Apologize" -- Timbaland and One Republic

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