Episode 83.2 - Roommates in Business
APR 01
Description Community

Join Cory, Sam, and August as we finish our game of Magical Repair Shop by Ash Cheshire and Ed Turner. Spend a day with three skilled artisans as they try their best to repair priceless magical items, both large and small, in their 4.8 star rated shop in a small strip mall.

Heath is played by Cory.

Vera is played by Sam.

Lila is played by August.

Produced by August.

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Find out more about the games we play (and where to buy them): https://www.ftlcast.com/games-weve-played

Episode summaries available here: https://goo.gl/3nXVpA

Join us on Discord! https://discord.gg/zzuPqne

Cover image by Sam and original music by @takuma_okada_

Follow the Leader is part of the Standing Stones Productions podcasting guild. Find out more about us and our projects on Twitter: @stones_standing
