Devi Gita (Class 30): ”May I Become One With You” by Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati
APR 13, 2023
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Scripture class by Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on Devi Gita, chapter 1, verses 71-74 given to students of the Ramakrishna Seminary at Kali Mandir via Zoom on 13 April 2023.

न जानेऽस्मत्पितॄणां किं स्थानं स्यान्निर्मितं परम् |

एतादृशानां वास्याय येषां वंशेऽस्ति मादृशः || ७१ ||

na jāne’smat-pitṝṇāṃ kiṃ sthānaṃ syānnirmitaṃ param |

etādṛśānāṃ vāsyāya yeṣāṃ vaṃśe’sti mādṛśaḥ || 71 ||

71. "I know not what heavenly realm has been prepared for my ancestors to rest in, so blessed are they to have one such as myself born in their family.


इदं यथा च दत्तं मे कृपया प्रेमपूर्णया |

सर्ववेदन्तान्तसिद्धं च त्वद्रूपं ब्रूहि मे तथा || ७२ ||

idaṃ yathā ca dattaṃ me kṛpayā prema-pūrṇayā |

sarva-vedantānta-siddhaṃ ca tvadrūpaṃ brūhi me tathā || 72 ||

72. "As you have already granted me one favor through Your loving compassion, would You also please describe for me Your true nature as explained in all the Upanishads."


योगं च भक्तिसहितं ज्ञानं च श्रुतिसम्मतम् |

वदस्व परमेशानि त्वमेवाहं यतो भवेः || ७३ ||

yogaṃ ca bhakti-sahitaṃ jñānaṃ ca śruti-sammatam |

vadasva parameśāni tvamevāhaṃ yato bhaveḥ || 73 ||

73. "And further describe the paths of both yoga and knowledge combined with devotion, as approved by scripture.

इति तस्य वचः श्रुत्वा प्रसन्नमुखपण्कजा |

वक्तुमारभथाऽम्बा सा रहस्यं श्रुतिगूहितम् || ७४ ||

iti tasya vacaḥ śrutvā prasanna-mukha-paṇkajā |

aktumārabhathā’mbā sā rahasyaṃ śruti-gūhitam || 74 ||

74. (Vyasa spoke): "Hearing these words of Himalaya, and with Her lotus face kindly disposed, the Mother undertook to reveal the mystic teachings hidden in scripture."
