3/17 1 Samuel 24 - Trusting God in Adversity
MAR 17, 2024
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Although David was anointed by God to be king, his time was anything but easy. Yet today, we’ll see that even when David has an opportunity to take matters into his own hands, he doesn’t. He continues to trust the Lord. Join us as we continue our study of David’s life and his example of a man who trusted the Lord even in adversity. 


1.    The podcast mentioned several times the differences in Saul’s purpose as King and David’s purpose in life. What were those differences? Why would the Lord bless one and not the other?
2.    The podcast also gave a summary of the previous few chapters that chronicled David’s life. What was life like for David during those passages? How does how he handled that adversity point to his character? 
3.    In Chapter 24, where is David and his men? What has happened in this passage? 
4.    What did David’s men say to him in verse 4? What does David do instead? Why?
5.    How does Saul respond to David in verse 17-20? What do you make of these statements? Do you think they were sincere words? 
6.    What can we learn from how David responded to this opportunity to kill Saul? What was David’s underlying reasons that he did not? Why didn’t he take matters into his own hands? 
7.    Is it possible that God’s people might give us bad advice? What were some principles given in the podcast for how to decide what advice to listen to?
8.    How is this passage a reflection of David’s total trust in the Lord? Why do you think David had this faith even though the previous several chapters have had him running ragged? Are you running ragged these days? How can you trust the Lord in your situation? 

Check out our Bible Study Guide on the Key Chapters of Genesis! Available on Amazon!

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As always, we are grateful to be included in the "Top 100 Bible Podcasts to Follow" from Feedspot.com.

Also for regularly being awarded "Podcast of the Day" from PlayerFM.

Special thanks to Joseph McDade for providing our theme music. 

