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This week Mark and Allen break down the Episode where we are first introduced to the 3rd floor at City Hall! Leslie hopes the Unity Concert will prove the Pawnee-Eagleton merger was a success, but plans a couple more things to ensure success. First, she books a meeting with Grant Larson, Director of the Midwest Branch of the National Parks Service, to ask about declaring "Eagleton Hills" a national park for the Unity Concert grand finale. Second, at the park that borders Pawnee and Eagleton, Leslie decides to knock down the graffiti-filled wooden fence dividing the two towns during a press conference where she will announce the Unity Concert. Things are going well at the press conference, and Leslie has two Eagletonians do the honors of delivering the symbolic "first strike" on the wooden fence. Unfortunately, there is a BEEHIVE directly behind the spot they hit, causing hundreds of bees to scatter and sting those attending the press conference. When it turns out the majority of those stung were Eagletonians, the media assumes Leslie set it all up as a prank, which furthers the divide between the two towns. Meanwhile, Tom and Ben hold a Unity Concert sponsorship seminar to entice local businesses to pledge their support. Tom's does a good job with his pitch, reeling in 16 sponsorship offers, including one from Mitch Savner, owner of Savner Bleaches and Chemicals. Mitch tells Tom he likes to invest in good ideas, and he was so impressed by Tom's presentation, he believes Tom is an "idea" man, and offers Tom the opportunity to pitch his best idea to him the next day. Tom's only fleshed-out idea, and the one he's most passionate about, is a restaurant venture, but Ben reminds him just how risky restaurants can be. Tom reluctantly asks Ben for help, knowing that even though he may not come up with something sexy, Ben can likely produce a solid business idea. Finally, unbeknownst to Leslie and the gang, Diane already had Ron's baby. Indeed, this only comes to light when Ron brings his newborn son, John, into work with him. However, Ron quickly grows tired of his co-workers constantly hovering and fussing over John, as it denies him the peace and quiet he so desperately wants. In an attempt to get away from the gang, he takes John up to seemingly-deserted 3rd floor of City Hall, where he happily stumbles upon the combo of a faulty radiator, and a tool box. Happily fixing the radiator, Ron and his son attract the attention of the construction crew getting ready to start work on the 3rd floor, who warn them that they are about to make a lot of very loud noise. As always, we tackle the tough questions, such as ... How does Leslie combat the media saying the bees were an elaborate prank? Can Ben come up with a solid business idea for Tom? Does the construction crew drive Ron and his son away? Will Leslie do anything to make the stinging victims feel better? Will Tom pass out from sheer boredom? Can Ron continue to elude everyone making a fuss over the baby? Whatever happened to Leslie's meeting with Grant Larson? What does Tom ultimately pitch to Mitch Savner? What else will Ron find in this paradise called "the 3rd floor"? Loyal viewers, how does this episode stack up against the rest? Tune in to find out! Many thanks to our incredible sponsor, "?????".
