Interview with Liam, Elliot, Glenn and Zac (Dan) Todays interview is with Liam, Elliot, Glenn and Zac, aka Dan from the Cairns Spearos! As the name would suggest, they are a spearfishing club based in Cairns and we get to talk to the club leadership about its history, current state and future plans. Get inside info on the most fun Tilapia spearfishing competition you might not have heard of where reload speed is your biggest consideration + tips for spearfishing in and around Cairns. Bonus recipe included! Hear how to make the tastiest Trout Parmesan recipe. Thanks again to for making this trip a reality! Important times 00:13 Intro 07:35 Welcome boys! What do you love about spearfishing in Cairns? 12:35 Scoring sheet for competition 19:05 Getting on boats, Townsville vs Cairns spearfishing 23:45 How to be a Noob Spearo in Cairns - where do I go? 32:50 Joining a spearfishing club 40:32 Tips for new spearo boat owners 43:55 Trout Parmesan Recipe 47:30 How deep do I need to dive in Cairns? 53:15 Pairs spearfishing competitions 59:45 Tell us about your Tilapia competition! 01:15:20 Line fishing and spearfishing hybrid competitions 01:17:20 Mackay fishery vs Cairns fishery 01:24:40 Score sheets, rules and cheats 01:32:00 How to get in contact with the Cairns Spearos 01:40:20 Spearo Q&A 01:45:40 Last thoughts 01:47:55 Outro Listen in and subscribe on iOS or Android Important Links Noob Spearo Partners and Discount Codes | Get Spear Ready and make the most of your next spearfishing trip! 50 days to better spearfishing! . Use the code NOOBSPEARO save $20 on every purchase over $200 at checkout – Flat shipping rate, especially in AUS! – Use the code NOOB10 to save 10% off anything store-wide. Free Shipping on USA orders over $99 | Simple, Effective, Dependable Wooden Spearguns. Use the Code NOOB to save $30 on any speargun:) | 10% off for listeners with code: NOOBSPEARO | Get 10% off Sharkshield Technology | Freedom7 or Scuba7 enter the code NOOBSPEARO | ‘Spearo Dad’ | ‘Jobfish Tribute’ | 99 Spearo Recipes use the code SPEARO to get 20% off any course 28-day Freediving Transformation | Equalization Masterclass – Roadmap to Frenzel | The 5 minute Freediver | Break the 10 Meter Barrier – Use the code NOOBSPEARO to save . Listen to 99 Tips to Get Better at Spearfishing | Wickedly tough and well thought out gear! Check out the legendary
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