This show is about figuring out root issues to your health, especially when you are doing so many of the right things. So I have a daughter who eats clean. Cleaner than I do. She works out pretty vigorously near daily. She loves where she lives and her work. She works with a counselor every week on her mental health. She has hope and inspiration. And yet, she has been dealing with increasing discomfort in her guts. Bloating and more. And having skin rashes. And she’s frustrated. Really frustrated. She’s doing the work and not getting the results she wanted. So where do we turn? Advanced diagnostics. Labs. Tests. And not just the basic ones you get from a traditional doctor. I’ve talked with countless people who feel bad, go to a regular doc for lab test and are simply told, “Well, everything looks ok, but we can give you a med for the symptoms.” This is like going to a car mechanic saying your car pulls violently to the left and the mechanic saying, “Well, it all looks ok, but we can rig a bungee cord to your steering wheel to pull it to the right more for you.” Basic lab tests do little more than tell you you aren’t dying. Just yet. Advanced diagnostics go deep and wide and can help detect the deficiencies and errors in our body that are manifesting into us not feeling and performing well. I’m joined by Randy James, medical doctor and Functional Medicine expert who specializes in using advanced labs. And in this actual case, he’s used them to get to root issues for my daughter, that he’s now treating. We’ll talk through advanced labs and diagnostics to help you navigate what might help you get insight into your health. Self-Help(ful) is presented by Ziglar, the most trusted brand in personal and business development impacting over 250 million people worldwide. Visit to see how they can inspire your true performance.