How To Be Codependent No More - | Melody Beattie, legendary self-help pioneer
NOV 09, 2022
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You are codependent. So am I. So is everyone, to a degree. We are humans and we innately look for the A’s from other people;  approval, affirmation, attention, and acceptance. How codependent we are relates to how much we need those A’s to feel ok about ourselves. It’s nice to get them, but are we ok without them? Can we be at peace without desperately needing positive feedback from other people? The answer is yes and this show will discuss how. With me is…Melody Beattie. Yes, the famed author of Codependent No More. Melody is literally cited as one of the pioneers of the self-help movement. Her breakthrough book still remains the resource on codependency and after 7 million sales she’s revised and updated it. Newsweek name Codependent No More one of the four essential self-help books of all time. Melody actually added a chapter on trauma to this revised edition and it’s at the top of the best seller charts, once again. I could not be more honored to have her on the show and as usual, I dig into the questions I have for myself regarding codependency. When I asked her about her own life regrets, she flatly stated, “I regret that I've spent much of my life ragging on myself for not being enough.” This is a thoughtful, pondering discussion with Melody where her compassion for herself and others will pour through. 

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